Province Législature Session Type de discours Date du discours Locuteur Fonction du locuteur Parti politique Alberta 19e 4e Discours du trône 4 mars 1982 Frank C. Lynch-Staunton Lieutenant-gouverneur Alberta Progressive Conservative Party Mr. Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly: I have the honor to welcome you to the Fourth Session of the 19th Legislature of the province of Alberta. Nineteen eighty-one will be memorable in the history of our country as the year in which nine provincial governments and the federal government achieved a constitutional accord which will bring Canada's constitution home. Nineteen eighty-two should see the passage of a new constitution by the British Parliament and its proclamation in Canada. My government was able to play a key role in the difficult and controversial negotiations leading to the constitutional accord of November 5, 1981, and Alberta's consistent position in respect of the constitutional amending formula was upheld and maintained in the result. The rights of Albertans will be fully protected in the new Canadian constitution. Despite serious setbacks caused by federal government energy policies over the past two years, there is reason to believe that, following the signing of last year's energy agreement, the conventional petroleum industry will, over time, recover most of its dynamic drive. This will depend, in part, upon improved markets for natural gas in the United States. Unfortunately we cannot avoid, in Alberta, the negative effects of current federal economic policies which are national in scope, but my government will work to make the impact of these policies upon Albertans less harmful than they otherwise would be. This will be done through a number of legislative and budgetary proposals during this session, and by pressing for modifications in federal economic policies. My government will emphasize the following priorities during this session: (1) The Economy. Although most forecasts anticipate Alberta will have the strongest economy of all province in Canada during 1982, international and national factors will result in slower growth than in recent years. My government's recognition of this development will result in a number of expanded and different measures to stimulate activity and job creation in the province, including a natural gas marketing strategy. A number of these measures will be reflected in the Budget Address. Albertans understand, though, that the province cannot be immune to economic difficulties which are general in other parts of Canada and the developed world. (2) Agriculture. This basic industry will continue to receive increasing attention by my government, with emphasis on improved transportation facilities for our products, opening up new markets, and assisting in reducing the pressures of rising farm input costs. (3) Environment. This year will see a degree of activity in expanding our land usage by irrigation and other means, further efforts in water management, provision of local and regional sewer and water services in many communities, and specific proposals for handling of dangerous wastes. (4) Housing. Although in-migration may slow down, my government intends to sustain its massive efforts in providing reasonable accommodation for our citizens. Hospitals and Medical Care The provision of medical care and hospital services to our citizens continues to be a challenging issue for governments in Canada. Alberta's support for health programs will continue to lead the nation. Hospital building will continue at its current level, the highest in Canada. The last year has seen the completion of major facilities in Edmonton, Red Deer, Calgary, and Fort McMurray. A special 10-bed hospital design has been developed to upgrade existing facilities in certain small communities. Construction of these hospitals is well under way in Bentley, Elnora, Empress, Fox Creek, Glendon, and Vilna. Significant progress has been made in the design of hospital components that can be assembled in a wide variety of ways to provide different kinds of community hospitals. Construction work will also commence on four new major hospitals of 500 beds each, two in Calgary and two in Edmonton. Capital projects recently completed or presently under way, result in significant upgrading or replacement of hospital facilities and several completely new projects in 77 communities throughout Alberta. The current five year program will add 2,765 active care beds and 1,443 extended care beds to the existing hospital system. The report of the Nursing Home Review Panel will soon be received by the government. The panel, a committee composed of seven Alberta private citizens, has visited every nursing home in Alberta and travelled to all other provinces in the course of its review. The report will have a major impact on planning and operating facilities for the aged and chronically ill. Medical research activities are expected to increase, and investments in research funded by the Alberta heritage research trust foundation will expand significantly. Housing and Public Works My government continued to use funds from the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund to, in part, offset the detrimental effects of the federal government's high interest rate policy on housing in 1981-82. Of the unprecedented $1.7 billion budget allocated for housing, $1.5 billion was invested by the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund. This investment made possible the financing or construction of more than 24,000 homes or 54 per cent of all housing units built in Alberta in that year. Home ownership has been a goal of Alberta families since pioneer days, and my government assisted 9,680 families to realize that goal last year, providing effective interest rates as low as 6 per cent in many cases. Recent amendments to the Alberta family home purchase program will again allow married couples without children to qualify for mortgage loans. Builder speculative loan applications will again be accepted. In addition, 14,975 new rental units were funded; 12,000 of these are substantially subsidized to protect Albertans with low incomes against increasing problems of high rents caused mainly by high interest rates. Alberta pioneers are a high priority for housing and, in the past year, 3,425 housing units were constructed for senior citizens. As well, 3,395 senior citizens were given home renovation grants to help maintain their own homes. Municipalities have been encouraged to reduce their lot size requirements to make housing more affordable. As well, my government provided $15 million in unconditional grants to municipalities to assist them in responding to our province's growth. One of the other ways the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund helps Albertans is through $209.5 million in financing provided to municipalities to bank land for industrial use and for further residential expansion. The purpose is to restrain the escalating cost of land. Advanced Education and Manpower In recognition of the constitutional responsibility of my government for education, a major program of expansion of post-secondary educational and manpower training and development, especially in colleges and technical institutions, will be continued in 1982. Major steps will be taken in construction at both Athabasca University and at the new institute of technology at Stony Plain. As well, other major capital construction projects will be recommended for approval in the estimates. Recent evidence of greater contributions by the private sector is encouraging. The extremely successful apprenticeship and trades certification program graduated almost 4,400 journeymen in 41 trades in 1981, and a further 9,500 new apprentices joined apprenticeship programs. Some 28,000 apprentices are now registered in Alberta, representing over 25 per cent of the Canadian total. This assures that our own citizens are trained in the skills that will be required in the 1980s in our province. Due in large part to the efforts of local residents, the development of advanced education consortia to provide credit programs to more regions of Alberta has progressed rapidly. More than 4,300 Albertans have benefited from awards and scholarships under the $100 million Alberta Heritage Scholarship Fund, permitting many young Albertans to pursue careers to a higher level of excellence. Programs are being expanded and lengthened in nursing education; enrolments are increasing, and new nursing programs in Grande Prairie college, Keyano college, and Fort McMurray are proceeding rapidly. Education A process will be developed for the timely revision of the School Act, which revision is likely to attract much public discussion, debate, and input. The major groups concerned with education will be fully consulted to ensure that revisions to the Act receive a broad base of support from Albertans. A full review of the role of private schools providing basic education will begin this year. The ministerial task force on financing education from kindergarten to grade 12 will report this year, with recommendations for improvements to the education finance plan of the province. The government's student evaluation program is being implemented. Achievement tests will be administered this spring in mathematics, in science, in social studies, and in English, to students in grades 3, 6, 9, and 12 respectively. Comprehensive examinations will be offered for the first time in January 1983. Also during this year, the concept of challenge exams will be explored further. The history and geography of Alberta and Canada continue to be a priority of our education curriculum, and further improvements in both content and implementation will result from the successful in-service program for teachers, which is just being completed. Social Services and Community Health Preventive social programs continue to be a high priority of my government. Sparsely populated areas in the province, including Indian reserves, will be among new areas which will enter the family and community support services program for the first time, joining 60 existing groups of municipalities in providing preventive services. My government will continue to emphasize the involvement of community and voluntary groups in the delivery of social and health programs. The transition of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, and Alberta Hospital, Ponoka, from being part of government to becoming self-governing hospitals is being achieved through a phase-in process. A major reassessment is taking place of the Alberta Mental Health Act. A task force is focusing on legislation in Alberta as it compares with legislation of other provinces, and will consider amendments as suggested by the Provincial Mental Health Advisory Council, the regional mental health advisory councils, and other groups. Improvements in the child welfare system continue to be of great importance to my government. Amendments to the Child Welfare Act will be considered following consideration of the report of the Cavanagh Board of Review, expected during 1982. A committee, set up as a result of recommendations made during the International Year of Disabled Persons, is reviewing services for the disabled in Alberta, and a report is expected in the summer of this year. Over the past year, decentralization of services and decision-making in the Department of Social Services and Community Health has progressed. New regional directors assumed full responsibilities in their respective regions on February 1, 1982. Decentralization is intended to make social and health service programs more sensitive to local needs, and where it is possible and practical, services will be delivered through volunteer organizations. In late 1981, the Alberta Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Commission launched a media based campaign aimed at positively affecting the lives of young Albertans. This successful preventive measure will be continued. Native Affairs My government will continue to place special emphasis on assisting native people to participate more fully in the economy of the province. The Business Assistance for Native Albertans Corporation has been successfully established to assist native businessmen in starting new businesses and in carrying on established businesses. Emphasis will also be placed on education, training, and employment opportunities for native people. Support for Native Outreach, after the withdrawal of the federal government, will be continued to assist the efforts of natives obtaining employment in various projects. Water, sewer, housing, and transportation services in northern isolated communities is reflected in activities of various government departments. For example, in transportation, the special economic stabilization program improved access to a number of reserves and Métis settlements. Recognizing the needs of Indian elders, two senior citizens' housing projects will be constructed on reserves. Recognizing the special importance of their lands to Indians, my government will be taking initiatives to resolve problems related to land use on reserves, particularly in relation to provincial roads and in relation to the Redwood Meadows project on the Sarcee Reserve. As well, funding will be provided to assist the Métis people of Alberta to prepare for their participation in the next first ministers' conference on the constitution. Agriculture My government's basic goal in agriculture is to strengthen the family farm and improve net farm income. Farmers' gross receipts are primarily dependent on external factors such as crop conditions in other countries, beef consumption in central Canada, and other market factors which affect world prices. My government can and does assist by pressing for new markets for cash crops near home by more food processing in western Canada. To strengthen net farm income, which has improved significantly during the 1970s, my government has undertaken a number of measures to hold down input costs of Alberta farmers as compared to farmers in other parts of Canada and elsewhere. These measures include low levels of taxation in a variety of areas. Agricultural producers are also assured of the lowest energy costs anywhere in North America through the farm fuel distribution allowance, the natural gas price protection plan, and other steps. Assistance will continue for transportation facilities to improve transport to elevators and to reduce shipping costs. The recent acquisition of the heritage fund hopper cars is consistent with these efforts. My government will continue to put pressure on the federal government to alter their high interest rate policy and federal tax measures that work against the family farm. More needs to be done in all these areas. My government has brought forward programs to help producers facing a critical market situation. Late in 1981, following an intensive review of the beef cattle situation, a $136 million beef cattle and sheep support program was announced. This program, designed with producer input, was an important short-term measure to bring confidence and stability to an important sector of our agriculture industry. Payments are now being received by eligible producers. However, long-term programs are still required, and it is my government's intention to work closely with producer organizations in developing further programs to help strengthen Alberta's livestock industry, including encouraging beef and lamb consumption in Canada. The beef cattle and sheep support program was preceded by the Alberta stop-loss program for hogs, which paid out approximately $23 million in 1980-81. An additional $10 million was provided for development of the pork producers marketing insurance program. Crop production in 1981 reached record levels, and although prices are somewhat under historic highs, the quality and yield of last year's harvest will be beneficial to most farmers. The key for the Alberta grain producer is to get his product to market efficiently. The signing of an agreement for financing by the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund of a modern, high-efficiency grain terminal at the port of Prince Rupert, was an important step by my government in further expanding our grain handling system to meet the needs of Alberta farmers. During 1982, important discussions concerning grain transportation will occur, and my government will work closely with Alberta farm groups in seeking a consensus that is fair to all segments of the industry. Lending activities by the Alberta Agricultural Development Corporation continued at record levels. Since the revision of the beginning farmer program in 1980, over 1,900 beginning farmers have received financing from the Agricultural Development Corporation, to the extent of more than $280 million in low-interest loans. Over $500 million in loans has been provided by the corporation since its inception, in an effort to establish and maintain viable family farms. Construction of the Alberta Food Processing Development Centre, made possible by funding from the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund, will commence in 1982. This is considered an important measure to assist the agribusiness sector of the provincial economy. A new Alberta-Canada Nutritive Processing Agreement was signed in 1981. The program will provide $28 million over the next three years to individuals and companies in rural Alberta, who are engaged in the development of nutritive products for human and animal consumption. Alberta farms will continue to benefit from the farm fuel distribution allowance program. No other province in Canada provides such significant extra savings, which have amounted to approximately $28 million in 1981-82. Important recommendations submitted in the report of the select committee on surface rights will be considered by the Assembly during this session. Public Lands and Wildlife During 1982, an estimated 277,000 acres of public land will be made available to new farmers and for expansion of existing farms. More than 100,000 acres will be examined to confirm suitability for settlement, and inventories will be carried out on an additional eight townships. It is anticipated that 300 Crown land improvement projects will be funded under the public grazing land improvement program. Proposals will be made for programs to increase available fish stocks for both recreational and commercial fisheries, as recommended by the select legislative committee on fisheries. New fish and wildlife habitat programs for private lands will be proposed, and policies for fish and wildlife will be developed to emphasize species management. Energy On September 1, 1981, the government of Canada and the government of Alberta signed an energy agreement establishing a taxation, royalty, and pricing system for oil and natural gas, effective until December 31, 1986. The importance to Albertans of this agreement cannot be overstated, for it established, hopefully, for all time, that there are areas of a national energy policy which can only be implemented by agreements with the provinces which own the energy resources. Despite the energy agreement, a basic industry in Alberta -- the conventional oil and gas exploration and development industry -- suffered major damage as a result of the federal energy policies of October 1980. It will take some time, working within the framework of the agreement, to repair the damage. The situation was compounded because during 1980, the markets in the United States for Alberta natural gas became seriously depressed, and sales dropped to approximately one-half of contract volume. Since September 1, 1981, the situation has been further aggravated by concern over the future cost of borrowing for energy activities; by a softening, in the short term, of world oil prices due to an international recession, and the resulting fall in demand; and by federal budgetary measures in November 1981, which discouraged the energy risk-taker. My government is well aware of these difficulties, particularly for the oil and gas service industry and for the small producer. Steps have already been taken to respond in part to the small producers by doubling the benefits of the royalty tax credit system. Further refinements of the oil and gas royalty system are planned during 1982. The situation for oil exploration is encouraged by the agreement and the assurance of immediate markets. Natural gas exploration, however, is a different matter, and my government plans a multifaceted attack on the problem, including consideration of a natural gas bank, revision of regulatory tests for export licences, encouragement of natural gas sales in Canada and, in co-operation with the industry, a natural gas marketing strategy particularly for the United States market. The government is continuing to support the development of new technology for Alberta's petroleum resources through the Alberta Oil Sands Technology and Research Authority. Over $70 million has been committed for new and continuing projects during the next year, to be matched by equal expenditures by industry. Several new processes have been developed to the point where pilot plant testing is required. Forest Products In the short term, Alberta's forest industry is being affected by the economic slowdown in North America, which has reduced housing starts and seriously depressed the lumber market. Over the longer term, additional timber resource developments are planned for Alberta's northern regions. The timing of developments will be related to the growing worldwide demand for wood products. With less than 50 per cent of total timber resources committed to development at this time, Alberta's long-term opportunities to expand to meet world demand are highly favourable. A major 2.5 million acre timber area has been offered for development in the west central region of the province. The Brazeau timber development area is ideally suited to the management and production of high-quality soft and hardwood forest products, and significant development proposals are expected. Economic Development In support of its industry and economic diversification policies, my government is initiating and proposing projects and programs to encourage economic growth and employment in Alberta. One of the most exciting areas is in the field of petrochemicals. Nine new petrochemical projects are presently under construction, and these will result in an investment of approximately $2.5 billion in the province of Alberta. This substantial investment will lead to the creation of approximately 900 permanent jobs, as well as approximately 6,000 construction jobs. Significant contributions toward our goals of industry diversification and increased employment of Albertans will be made by these major undertakings. A recent study has attracted international interest and has confirmed the practical possibility of a coal slurry pipeline to the Pacific coast as an alternative method of transportation to rail in the next decade. My government continues to stress the importance of an efficient transportation system to accommodate the rapid economic growth expected in western Canada. My government is also seeking assurances that provision of port facilities for transportation of natural resources, agricultural products, coal, and petrochemicals to the Pacific coast will be timely and cost effective. The agreement between the governments of Alberta, British Columbia, and Canada, with respect to the development of a site in Prince Rupert for the establishment of a petrochemical liquid bulk terminal, is an important first step. Alberta manufacturers have substantially increased the dollar value of exports to the Pacific Rim, Australia, India, Pakistan, and South America. In 1981, exports of exploration, drilling, service, and production equipment manufactured in Alberta, alone amount to $369.5 million, an increase of almost 400 per cent over 1980. Trade shows organized by government and strongly supported by the private sector have played a vital part in what has been accomplished. These important efforts on behalf of Alberta industries will continue in 1982. As part of Alberta Government Telephones' efforts to assist in the development of telecommunications and related high technology, a new corporation will be established. This new corporation is designed to facilitate private-sector participation in research and development, and manufacturing in Alberta. Private-sector participation will be through various forms of joint venturing. Tourism and Small Business Funds available to the Alberta Opportunity Company from the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund, for use in its lending programs to assist small business, will be significantly increased. Travel Alberta is now developing a major international marketing campaign entitled Wish You Were Here, a vigorous assist to the tourist industry in the province. The destination area studies program will assess additional areas of the province for tourism potential, aiding private-sector tourism development. The Northern Alberta Development Council continued its successful programs of encouraging public participation in the economic and social development of Alberta's north. Priorities for the coming year involve a cooperative review of alcoholism-related problems in the north, along with continuance of public participation meetings. Transportation Transportation construction last year was the largest ever undertaken, and resulted in a high degree of completion of projects in the primary and secondary road systems. A record of over 1,000 kilometres of hard surfacing was completed by way of either new construction or upgrading of existing highways in the province. A major twinning program was commenced on the Yellowhead and Trans-Canada Highway corridors, together with the upgrading of rural and metropolitan area highways throughout the province. A special economic stabilization program to offset effects of the slowdown in energy activity, by firms formerly involved in oil and gas wellsite work, was successfully undertaken, keeping at work approximately 1,025 pieces of construction equipment to improve over 1,400 kilometres of local and secondary roads. Utilities and Telephones The Electric Energy Marketing Act will be proclaimed this year, and an agency to deal with problems of electric energy rate differentials, including matters of concern to the rural electrification associations, will be established. This new initiative, a result of the government's strong desire to see quality of life opportunities equalized as much as possible throughout the province, will actually reduce electric power rates in some of the highest cost areas. To protect the interests of Albertans now paying lower charges, a five-year phase-in plan supported by subsidies will be established at the outset of the program. The Electric Energy Marketing Agency will ensure that all consumers receive electric energy in a cost-effective manner and on an overall provincial basis. Utility companies will continue the actual direct service of supplying the power to customers. The rural gas program now serves more than 200,000 rural Albertans, an increase of some 15,000 over last year, including some remote areas which have been provided with natural gas service for the first time. The natural gas price protection plan shields Albertans from the full impact of natural gas price increases, and the remote area heating allowance provides similar assistance to consumers of propane and heating oil who do not have access to natural gas. Both programs will continue to provide benefits to Alberta consumers in the coming year. Environment More than 70 kilometres of main canals supplying the Bow River Irrigation District and the St. Mary River project have been upgraded under the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund irrigation development program. Construction has started on enlarging and rebuilding the system serving the Lethbridge Northern Irrigation District. The Dickson dam project on the Red Deer River and the Paddle River dam project are on schedule. Stabilization of water levels in Lesser Slave Lake and an accelerated drainage program to protect and improve the agricultural land base and encourage the long-term agricultural development of central and northern Alberta are important goals of my government. Following intensive study, my government will initiate a program to ensure the safe management of hazardous and special wastes in Alberta. Amendments to the Hazardous Chemicals Act will ensure the proper handling treatment, and disposal of wastes that could be hazardous to public health and the environment. The Assembly will also be asked to consider important new measures with regard to the hazardous waste control system in the province. Construction of the Edmonton regional sewage treatment plant and transmission lines will commence early in the year, and construction of the Vegreville water line serving Bruderheim, Lamont, Mundare, and Vegreville, will be completed. Assistance will be provided for completion of the Cold Lake regional sewage facilities and for the commencement of a regional utility system in the Calgary area. The Clean Air Act will be amended to reflect the government's continued awareness of control and to maintain emission standards. Labour and Workers' Health, Safety and Compensation If work places are to provide the desired level of job satisfaction, both employees and management must share similar objectives and positive attitudes in employment relationships. My government will continue its efforts to assure open and co-operative communications and attitudes between employees and employers. Amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Act will be recommended to the Assembly, in particular to provide for new and revised mines and general safety regulations. The Construction Safety Task Force and the coal mine safety board of inquiry have recently reported. Key recommendations emphasized the need for more training, education, and on the job instruction for both supervisors and workers, as well as the importance of procedures clearly identifying responsibility for health and safety at any construction or mining worksite. Extensive consultation with employers and unions associated with the mining industry, following the report of the coal mine safety board of inquiry, has made possible a complete revision of the mines safety regulations as well as improvements in government services. Consumer and Corporate Affairs Emphasis will continue to be placed on consumer education and elimination of unnecessary regulations. Pursuing my government's goal of eliminating red tape, requirements for certain types of traditional but largely unnecessary licensing will be discontinued. The need for some 30,000 licences was eliminated in the past year. A tenancies of mobile-home sites Act, to deal with some of the unique problems facing owners of mobile homes who rent pads, will be placed before the Assembly for consideration. Municipal Affairs The important report and decision made last year on Edmonton annexation is expected to accommodate Edmonton's growth and development for the next 30 to 40 years. Two new regional planning commissions have been established, to provide growth management directions to their regions and reflect more local autonomy for member municipalities. The formation of a regional municipal services commission for water and sewer services in the Edmonton region will be proceeded with in the near future. Decentralization of improvement district administration has been completed, an important step towards development of local government in improvement districts. Improvements in roads, housing, and other important services, as well as increased economic activity for people living in Metis settlements, are important objectives of my government, and close co-operation in these areas will be maintained. Financial assistance to municipal government will continue, with significant subsidization of interest rates on municipal borrowing. Recommendations are expected from the Minister's Advisory Committee on Municipal Finance. Special emphasis will be placed on assisting municipalities in finalizing regional plans required under the Planning Act. Attorney General A Bill to amend the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act to allow the criminal injuries compensation board to make awards in innocent bystander cases will be recommended to the Assembly. Amendments will also be proposed to the Law of Property Act and the Fatal Accidents Act. Solicitor General On December 11, 1981, Alberta concluded an agreement with the government of Canada for continued provincial police service by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Contracts have also been completed for Alberta towns and cities which use the RCMP for municipal police work. These agreements came at the end of long negotiations, and the result ensures that the RCMP will be present in Alberta for the next decade at favourable financial terms. The Bow River correctional centre for minimum security inmates, near Cochrane, will be open this spring. Construction is well advanced on a replacement for the Lethbridge correctional centre. New training shops have been opened at St. Paul and are under construction at the Peace River correctional centre. In co-operation with the police agencies, the department is encouraging greater enforcement of traffic laws through Check Stop, a program which continues to receive widespread public acceptance and support. My government is concerned, as are other Albertans, with the incidence of accidents which involve alcohol impairment. Recreation and Parks Municipalities will continue to receive support in the development of recreational and cultural facilities. Financial assistance to provincial recreation associations will be increased, to help meet costs and increased demands for services. In July, the Alberta Seniors Games will draw an anticipated 1,000 senior athletes to Camrose. The first Alberta Seniors Games in 1980 drew an enthusiastic response, and it is now proposed that these very successful games be held every two years. The 1983 Alberta Summer Games will be held in the county of Mountain View. Alberta continues to attract world class athletic events. In 1983, the Western Canada Games will be held in Calgary and the World University Games in Edmonton. Calgary will be the site of the 1988 Winter Olympic Games, and my government will play an important role in the development of the necessary facilities. In another quality of life investment financed by the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund, the cities of Grande Prairie, Lethbridge, Lloydminster, Red Deer, and Medicine Hat have commenced the planning of urban parks, which will ensure future generations of recreational open space for our urban populations. New provincial parks are being planned for the Pioneer area, northeast of Edson, and the Buck Lake area, south of Drayton Valley. Culture The emphasis in Culture this year will be on museums, acquisitions, and preservation of historic sites. The restoration of pioneer buildings at the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village near Elk Island Park will continue this year. The village offers Albertans and their guests a unique, real life opportunity to experience the hardships and success of our Ukrainian pioneers. The Crowsnest Pass historic corridor development plan is in its first stage of implementation, and the Leitch Collieries visitor program will be started this year. A large visitor orientation centre above the toe of the Frank Slide will be ready in late 1983. Construction will shortly be under way on the major museum and research institute near Drumheller, announced last year. Preservation of the famous Reynolds collection at Wetaskiwin will begin, with the donation of some 300 significant items from this collection forming the core of a future agricultural, industrial, and transportation equipment museum. Treasury Current fiscal forecasts and policies to help maintain the stability and resilience of the Alberta economy during this slower growth year will be set forth in the Budget Address. With other provinces and the federal government, Alberta continues to be involved in discussions respecting fiscal arrangements, the financing of established programs, and tax collection agreements. The realities of Alberta's fiscal position in the near term, and the continuing demands for top-quality services will require difficult choices to be made in the years ahead. My government is strongly committed to continuing the concept of saving a relatively small portion of revenues from our depleting non-renewable resources, so that Albertans may in the future more easily make the transition to other revenue sources while maintaining top quality health, education, social, and recreation services. Federal and Intergovernmental Affairs Patriation of Canada's constitution will be accompanied by certain amendments, including a new amending formula which respects the constitutional equality and jurisdiction of the provinces, and a new Charter of Rights and Freedoms which reaffirms and protects the fundamental rights and freedoms common to all Canadians. The November accord reflects this Legislature's commitment to a strong and united federal Canada, as espoused in the resolution passed by this Assembly in November 1976. My government, along with governments of other provinces and the federal government, will continue to have important consultations in respect to the constitution. Members of the Legislative Assembly: In due course you will be presented with budget proposals by my government to support these priorities and a program of balanced initiatives consistent with appropriate restraint in public expenditures. You will be asked to grant the necessary funds for the operating services and expenditures authorized by the Legislature, and to endorse a program of capital financing for the government of Alberta. I leave you now to the business of the Session, with full confidence that as elected representatives, your debates and your votes will reflect your understanding of the public interest of all people of Alberta. I pray for your wisdom and strength in your deliberations.