Province Législature Session Type de discours Date du discours Locuteur Fonction du locuteur Parti politique Colombie-Britannique 32e 1re Discours du Trône 6 juin 1979 Henry Bell-Irving Lieutenant-Gouverneur British Columbia Social Credit Party Mr. Speaker and members of the Legislative Assembly, again it is with a sense of great pleasure that I have this opportunity to deliver the Speech from the Throne to the first session of the 32nd Parliament of British Columbia. Earlier this year, on March 22, it was my duty to deliver the Speech from the Throne to members of the 31st Parliament of British Columbia. Since that time, the people of British Columbia have elected this new parliament. It would seem appropriate at this time for me to offer my congratulations to the members who now sit in this new assembly. I would also like to thank those who served their province in the 31st Parliament. The speech delivered on March 22, 1979, to the 31st Parliament refers to commitments, policy directions and principles which my Government will ask this Parliament to carry forward. Therefore the members of this new assembly may wish to refer to that speech, and my government would ask the Speaker to deliver it to members in due course for their consideration along with this new document. With respect to the Speech from the Throne delivered to the 31st Parliament, my government would like members to give particular attention to the following commitments, policy directions and principles which my government offered then and reaffirms now: Senior citizens continue to have a high priority in the programs my government wishes to place before you. My government wishes to add to what many consider the best program of health care in North America through the introduction of a denticare plan. My Minister of Human Resources will have before you initiatives for the handicapped and other disadvantaged people in our society. My government intends to eliminate any discrimination based on age, sex, marital status or geographical residence in the setting of car insurance rates in British Columbia. I am sure this measure will be especially welcomed by the younger citizens of this province. My government will pursue an aggressive policy of eliminating the problems created by "big government" which affect the day-to-day routine of our citizens. The ending of needless and outdated regulations will be part of this effort. My government will ask you to ensure that a bill of rights will enshrine in an Act of this Legislature fundamental freedoms for all of our citizens. My government will ask you to ensure that the rights privileges and responsibilities which are involved with the private ownership of the business and industry of this province will be encouraged through amendments to the British Columbia Resources Investment Corporation Act. During the course of this year major contract negotiations are underway in both the private and public sectors of our economy. My government is confident that both labour and management will this year come to fair agreements under the collective bargaining system. My First Minister advises me that to these commitments, policy directions, principles and attitudes, which are the substance of the speech of March 22, 1979, there should be added a comment on energy. British Columbia is fortunate in having the traditional options of hydro, thermal coal and petroleum hydrocarbons as energy sources. To this there can be added newer options of solar and geothermal energy in which my government is taking active interest. In addition my government, in cooperation with the forest industry, has underway major initiatives with respect to the use of wood waste as an energy source. We are fortunate that we do not have to consider nuclear power as one of the options necessary to meet our energy requirements. My government, however, shares the concern of many British Columbians at developments in the nuclear field taking place outside our borders. My government has communicated this concern to the new government of Canada, and the hope that it will act nationally and internationally when required to safeguard the interests not only of British Columbians but of all Canadians. Since March 22, 1979, the people of British Columbia have participated in a provincial election, and have also joined other Canadians to vote in a federal election. In this connection my government wishes to state on behalf of the people of British Columbia that, although there has been a change in the government of Canada. British Columbia intends to pursue continuation of the spirit of cooperation between the government of Canada and this province. It is the belief of my government that Canada is better served if provincial and federal governments approach one another with a firm commitment to cooperation. This first assembly of the 32nd Parliament, I am sure, will wish to endorse this belief during its deliberations. Honourable members, I recognize that the matters placed before the 31st Parliament and now before this parliament will merit your most careful consideration. Therefore I give into your capable hands these matters with the fullest confidence that you will approach with good will and diligence all the tasks placed before you. I pray that Divine Providence will guide your deliberations. Mr. Speaker and honourable members, I leave you now to discharge your legislative duties on behalf of the people of British Columbia. His Honour the Lieutenant Governor retired from the chamber.