Province Législature/Legislature Session Type de discours/Type of speech Date du discours/Date Locuteur/Speaker Fonction du locuteur/Function Parti politique/Political party Ile du Prince Edward Island – Prince Edward Island 50 2 Discours du Trône/Speech from the Throne 11-02-1964 Hon. Willibald J. MacDonald Lieutenant-governor Progressive Conservative P.E.I: Speech from the Throne, Second Regular Session of the Fiftieth General Assembly, February 11th, 1964 It is my pleasant duty, for the first time since my appointment as Lieutenant-Governor, to welcome the representatives of the people to the opening of the Second Regular Session of the Fiftieth General Assembly of the Province. My people give humble thanks to a Divine Providence for another year of peace and prosperity. We have enjoyed freedom from the ravages of war and we sincerely pray that world leaders may be guided by friendship and goodwill so that fear and resentment will be abolished and our differences met in a peaceful, neighbourly manner. My people look forward with great pleasure to the visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Highness Prince Philip for the Official Opening of the New Confederation Memorial Building in October of this year. All our people were shocked to hear on November 22nd that John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President of the United States, had been assassinated. The death of a great statesman brought sorrow and sadness the world over. Let us hope that this great tragedy will draw free men together in unity, wisdom and the spirit of accommodation needed to achieve peace, with dignity and strength. Throughout this year, Prince Edward Island will mark the Centennial of the Conference of the Fathers of Confederation which was held in 1861, and at which the foundation of the Canadian Nation was laid. The celebrations of this event will be Provincial and National in significance and will lead to the National Celebrations in 1967 in the same manner that the Charlottetown Conference led to Confederation. The Fathers of Confederation Memorial Building is nearing completion. It will be a magnificent shrine and a fitting tribute to the men who founded Canada, and will serve as a valuable contribution to the educational and cultural life of our community. By and with the advice of my Executive Council, I have proclaimed the year 1964 to be the Centennial Year in this Province to be recognized, commemorated and celebrated by means of various observances, activities and community events. A warm welcome has been extended to all who will visit this Province to join with us in the joyous observance of this historic occasion. Agricultural conditions in the Province were substantially better in 1963 than in 1962. We were blest with excellent growing weather, favorable harvesting conditions, a bountiful crop, and good market and price levels. Steps will be taken to promote further, through proper fertilization, yields of grain, hay and pasture in order to increase livestock production. The present program designed to eradicate certain diseases of potatoes will be continued. My Government will introduce legislation that will restrict the use of certain highly toxic spray materials for the killing of potato vines. You will be asked to consider legislation that provides for positive identification of livestock. The opening of a new Food processing Plant at Montague has enabled farmers to further diversify production. This development will strengthen the economy, particularly in Kings and Southern Queens Counties. The organization of a Research and Resources Division, with a director and field staff, has been of outstanding assistance in the promotion of new industries for the Province. Thirteen development groups have been formed and many new activities have been undertaken at the community level. At present, a complete and detailed economic survey of Prince and Western Queens Counties is in progress and should be completed early this year. On the basis of the final report, a master plan for the overall development of the resources of the Province will be prepared. The establishment of a large Fish Plant and a Boat Building Industry at Georgetown, as well as a number of smaller industries throughout the Province, has been a direct result of intensive investigation in the field of industrial development. This program will be expanded this year. During the past season, our fishing industry experienced a successful year. Although there was a decrease in the landed tonnage of some fish, increased values brought earnings up to the level of the previous year. My Government will encourage the establishment of more fish processing plants and services while, at the same time, it will continue to encourage the improvement and modernization of existing facilities. Substantial expansion has been made in our forestry program. New areas have been acquired and replanting to rehabilitate these lands is now in progress. More young people are becoming interested in Forestry, and 4-H Forestry Clubs have been formed and expanded. The Trans-Canada Highway Contract has been amended to permit the strengthening of the entire highway to make it an allweather road. Work on the project started in 1963 will continue through this year. Federal-Provincial efforts to revitalize the Atlantic Provinces have resulted in far-reaching, long-range plans in highway construction. While no definite agreements have been signed, my Government is confident that, during the coming year, a program will be undertaken to make our main highways allweather roads. Our Roads to Resources Program is on schedule and will be continued as planned. Construction of a bridge at Victoria, begun in 1962, will be completed in 1964. The Department of Highways will continue to improve our highway system, both as to strength and in the matter of snowtrap removal. While the initial cost of these newly- designed roads is higher than usual, the improved services, especially in winter, completely justify the additional expenditure. The addition of the M. V. PRINCE NOVA, a new Ferry for the Wood Islands-Caribou Service, to be in operation this summer, will increase the efficiency of our transportation system. Construction of a new Provincial Office Building, on the site of the old West Kent School, will be started this year. In order to make consultation and early treatment of mental illness more readily available to all parts of the Province, the services of the travelling clinic will be extended to centres in Montague, Souris and Alberton. To assure our people of maximal protection against the mortality and lifelong disabilities resulting from poliomyelitis, my Government will make Oral Vaccine available, through Provincewide clinics, to all children who have previously received Salk Vaccine. During the past year, my Government raised the basic amount for Mothers' Allowances from $40 to $65 per month. Increases in Old Age, Disabled and Blind Persons' Allowances to a maximum of $75 per month will be made this year. Six new Senior Citizens' Housing Projects are now under construction in various Island centres. Further expansion of this program will be made as the need arises. My Government will initiate a new program to provide lodges for senior citizens requiring nursing care. The first of these units will be constructed in the Summerside area this year. The Winter Works Incentive Program has proven to be of great assistance in providing employment during the winter months. My Government will continue to encourage this program and notes with satisfaction that sixty projects are now underway in the Province. The Prince County Vocational High School was completed and opened recently, while the Provincial Vocational Institute will be officially opened in September of this year. My Government notes with interest the widespread appeals that have been made to elevate Prince of Wales College to a degree-granting status. These representations will receive careful consideration. My Government will appoint a Royal Commission to inquire into and report upon the organization and financing of university education in this Province. Fulfilling a long-desired need for uniformity in motor vehicle insurance cards, my Government is happy to announce the adoption of an Inter-Provincial Certificate, approved by the Superintendents of Insurance and valid in all the Provinces of Canada. In view of the alarming increase in highway fatalities in recent years, my Government will ask for funds to establish a Safety Council. My Government is happy to announce the appointment of a full-time Professional Planner. The services of town and professional planning will be amalgamated and the various statutes governing Municipal Affairs will be consolidated into a new Municipal Act. During the past year, my Government has given careful study regarding the institutions for the custody of persons who are sentenced to imprisonment for offences against the Laws of Canada, as well as against the Laws of this Province and Municipal By-laws. There is a broad area of this matter which is proposed to be covered by an agreement between the Government of Canada and my Government. Legislation will be introduced for your consideration to make provision for the administration of our penal institutions and to give authority to make anticipated arrangements. In an effort to rehabilitate first and young offenders of the law, my Government proposes to institute a Probation Service. During the past year, my Government, in common with the Governments of the other Canadian Provinces, has participated in two Conferences with the Government of Canada on fiscal and economic relations. These Conferences are scheduled to continue. During the past year, my Government has conducted the administration of the affairs of the Province with every possible economy consistent with the efficiency in public services. The Sinking Funds are maintained at a satisfactory level. In Current and Capital Estimates for the forthcoming fiscal year, every care has been exercised toward economy and the maintenance of a sound condition of finances so necessary to a Province with limited financial resources. The Public Accounts and Reports of the various Departments of my Government for the year ending March 31, 1963, will be tabled for your information. The Interim Report, forecasting estimated revenues and expenditures for the current fiscal year ending March 31, 1964, and the Estimates for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1964, will also be presented for your consideration. May you be guided in your deliberations by that Divine Power which works for the betterment of all people. I now leave you to your Legislative duties. ??