Province Législature/Legislature Session Type de discours/Type of speech Date du discours/Date Locuteur/Speaker Fonction du locuteur/Function Parti politique/Political party Ile du Prince Edward Island – Prince Edward Island 52 4 Discours du Trône/Speech from the Throne 23-01-1973 Hon. John G.B. MacKay Lieutenant-governor Liberal P.E.I: Speech from the Throne, Fourth Session of the Fifty-Second General Assembly, JAN 23rd, 1973 I am happy to meet you in Parliament and once more solicit the cordial co-operation of the people's representatives in the management of public affairs." With these words of greeting, the final Parliament of the Colony of Prince Edward Island was opened at 3:00 P.M. on April 22, 1873, by Lieutenant Governor William Cleaver Francis Robinson. Today, in the name of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, it is my privilege to welcome you to the Fourth Session of the Fifty-Second General Assembly of the Province of Prince Edward Island. Members of the Legislative Assembly, this occasion is a significant landmark in our history as a parliament, as a Province, and as a people. Two hundred years ago, when this Island community was very young and very primitive, the people of this Province sent their representatives to meet for the first time. It was 1973, and that initial General Assembly held its opening session at the Cross Keys Tavern not far from where we sit today. One hundred years later, Prince Edward Island petitioned Queen Victoria to change its status from that of a colony to a Province of the Dominion of Canada. The petition was granted, and Prince Edward Island became the seventh province of the new Dominion. Twenty six General Assemblies have met since that historic Dominion Day in 1873. It is with particular pleasure that I welcome here today those citizens who now or in the past have represented the people of Prince Edward Island as members of the Legislative Assembly. The next few months will offer the residents of Prince Edward Island and other citizens of Canada an opportunity to pay tribute to our historical heritage as a Province and to celebrate our Centennial in a number of appropriate ways. Each of us looks forward to the visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness Prince Philip to Prince Edward Island this summer. In addition to the social gatherings which will commemorate our anniversary as a Province, Centennial Year affords all people of this Province an opportunity to reflect upon our role as a Province in the Canadian federation. In the first Speech from the Throne after Prince Edward Island entered the Canadian union, delivered in this very building, Lieutenant Governor Robert Hodgson told the assembled members, "I earnestly hope that the social, material, and political interests of the Province will be advanced by the Union." His words reflect both the uncertainty and faith in the union that was expressed by many Islanders. Over the decades, our worries have subsided as the benefits of our partnership in the Canadian nation have been realized. Today, Prince Edward Islanders consider our Canadian identity with great pride. I say with assurance that the hopes expressed by Sir Robert Hodgson in that first Speech from the Throne have been more than fulfilled. Fortunately, however, not all of the expectations expressed by our Fathers of Confederation have been realized. George Coles, for example, expressed the fear that the role of the Government of the Province and of the Legislative Assembly would be reduced to such minor concerns as dog taxes and the running at large of swine. Cornelius Howatt, representing Fourth Prince, predicted that we would become "next to nothing"; also from Fourth Prince, A. C. Holland, in referring to the "Act of Union" said, "We have sold our noble little ship, and she now stands stripped of all the glory with which for one hundred years she was adorned." In place of such forebodings of the loss of place and position, we can record how in recent decades, roles and responsibilities of government have emerged which were not anticipated a century ago by our political forefathers. However, my Government has observed that as the role and influence of the Provincial Government is extended into the social and economic activities of society, there is a corresponding diminution in the weight of the individual's influence over matters which affect him. While society, through its government, seeks to achieve desirable social and economic objectives, the relationships between individuals and government become more complex. In endeavouring to cope with this ever increasing complexity, group action is initiated, organizations are formed, and unions are organized in an effort to present group or common points of view to government. In response to this process, decision making has become highly centralized and the individual often views his government as remote, unfeeling and impersonal. With these considerations in mind, my Government has been examining the relationships between the individual, the community, the Province, the Region and the Nation. My Government believes that the individual citizen has more to contribute to he social, material and political interests of the Province in our second century than our present system and organization of government now allows. Essential to the health and well being of our Province are strong and well motivated communities. The strength of these communities depends upon interested, informed and involved members of each community. As an important initiative in our Centennial Year, my Government will seek to determine ways in which individual citizens in both urban and rural areas may more fully participate in the affairs of their communities. To this end, a Discussion Paper outlining the broad and general concepts of the decentralization of certain Provincial Government activities, and the delegation of such powers and responsibilities to structured community groups, will be tabled for your consideration. My Government further intends to place this Discussion Paper before the Island community for its consideration and recommendation MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY: In the present session of the Legislative Assembly, my Government will advance for your consideration a number of programs and policies designed to enhance the social fabric of our Province and strengthen the economic activity of our citizen. In co-operation with the P.E.I. Centennial Commission, the P.E.I. Heritage Foundation, and community groups, Islanders will be encouraged to share their history and preserve our heritage through: (1) the development of a heritage site at Green Park related to the ship building industry which flourished in the mid 1800's; (2) the establishment of a fisheries heritage site at Basin Head; (3) the development of a Rural Life Park at Orwell; (4) an agreement with the National and Historic Parks Branch of the Federal Government to facilitate the restoration of Province House as a living memorial associated with the Confederation movement in British North America; (5) the provision of an endowment fund for the P.E.I. Heritage Foundation; and (6) the encouragement of arts, crafts, literary and cultural programs. My Government will actively promote and support initiatives to enhance and protect the Province's unique environment, by: (1) maintaining and strengthening the Province's efforts to eliminate pollution: (2) increasing efforts to prevent soil erosion; (3) the designation and protection of fragile wildlife areas and attractive landscapes; (4) phasing out the present practice of highway advertising; (5) establishing maintenance standards for Crown lands; and (6) acquiring land for highway lookouts, public beach access and recreation. To enhance the learning and training opportunities for our citizens, my Government proposes to: (1) place the Department of Education in a position to fulfill appropriately its supportive role to the newly established Regional School Boards; (2) transfer responsibility for handcrafts and vocational and continuing education to Holland College: (3) participate with our sister Maritime Provinces in the establishment of a Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission: (4) increase the financial assistance available to school libraries; (5) inaugurate a bookmobile library service to supplement and expand the provincial library service: and (6) continue the construction program to provide additional educational facilities. In strengthening the Social Services available to the public, my Government proposes: (1) the establishment of Regional Service Centres at Souris and Montague; (2) the completion of financial and engineering studies leading to the construction of a Central Referral Hospital and the conversion of present hospital facilities in Charlottetown to other uses; (3) the increase of Workmen's Compensation benefits; (4) the continued expansion of our dental program with the operation of three mobile clinics this year; (5) the continuation of Home Ownership, Home Improvement, and Social Housing programs; (6) the abolition of Succession Duties and Gift Taxes; (7) a reduction in provincial property taxes; (8) the inauguration of grants in lieu of property taxes to certain voluntary and charitable organizations; (9) the extension of Home Nursing and Home Strengthening Services: (10) the appointment of a Co-ordinator of Retardation Services; (11) continued funding to allow for the provision of services from community Day Care Centres and Sheltered Workshops: (12) support for the operations of the Welfare Appeals Board; (13) greater emphasis on highway safety; (14) the introduction of a system of Legal Aid; (15) the introduction of a Crown Proceedings Act; (16) amendments to the Election Act to convenience the incapacitated voter and to provide for shorter election campaign periods; and (17) that the Statutes of Prince Edward Island will this year be published in an up to date consolidated form. Following from the Barrington Study in the field of corrections, and the publication of the MacKimmie Report on legal and judicial systems, structures and procedures, and in co-operation with a Joint Committee of Jurists, lawyers, social workers and citizens, my Government will initiate, this year, steps towards a comprehensive reorganization and reform of the administration of justice in this Province. Turning now to the economy, I will outline proposals my Government will advance to make the best use of the resources, skills and opportunities for growth and development. Rarely since Confederation has our provincial economy been as buoyant. As a consequence, my Minister of Finance has been able to reduce short term borrowing by 75% and no borrowings in the bond market have been necessary since September of 1971. In addition, commercial activities are at an all time high and prices for our natural products have improved and strengthened. My Government is at the same time cognizant that many opportunities within our Province await fuller exploitation, that wage levels prevail at rates too far below those of the nation, that the cost of living continues to mount, and that high seasonal unemployment has remained a detrimental factor to a stable and prosperous work force. To meet these concerns and to provide for sustained expansion of commercial activity within our Province, my Government proposes the following steps: (1) consideration and action upon receipt of the recommendations of the Royal Commission on Land Use and Ownership. In the advancing of programs and policies as a result of the Royal Commission Report, citizen participation will be sought in the full and advantageous use of our land resource: (2) my Government has established with the Federal Government a MANPOWER NEEDS COMMITTEE. This Committee will investigate not only the needs for manpower training and skill development, but also the areas of apparent conflict between such public programs as welfare, unemployment insurance, manpower training and winter works on the one hand, and the needs of industry and the business community on the other hand; (3) the total investment by the end of the 1973 74 fiscal year of some five million dollars in grants for Family Farm development; (4) the establishment of a two million dollar fund to create new jobs in the processing and manufacturing sectors. This Employment Creation Fund will be designed to assist, by way of grants, those processing and manufacturing endeavours which by reason of size or activity, do not qualify for Regional Development Incentive Grants. The encouragement and improvement of small saw mill operations is one such activity for which this new program will be designed: (5) the Land Development Corporation will actively seek appropriate uses for all land held by the Crown. Two new community pastures at 1,000 acres each will be established this year and other land will be allocated to its most appropriate use in agriculture, forestry and recreation; (6) as a part of my Government's continuing policy, provincial minimum wages will be adjusted upwards this year and steps towards parity between wage levels of men and omen will be taken; (7) the conditions under which the Province will allow for and participate in the creation of a second National Park will be outlined to this Assembly; (8) continued financial support for practical farm demonstrations in association with the Soil and Crop Improvement Association; (9) additional handling facilities for the use of fishermen; (10) co-operative undertakings with the Federal Government to provide ice making and cold storage facilities for the use of fishermen: (11) continued co-operation with the Federal Department of Public Works in general port and wharf improvements; (12) continued emphasis on the development of a strong and productive oyster industry; (13) research and development of fishing techniques, source of raw product, and new and expanded processing capacity; (14) the continuation of financial and technical support for the improvement of marketing techniques for all Island products; (15) recognizing the significance of the potato industry to our Province, my Government will undertake the following initiatives: (a) my Ministers will lead a Seed Potato mission to the international markets in Caribbean and South American countries; (b) a fieldman will be appointed to promote Island potato sales and actively seek new domestic markets; (c) to improve upon loading and handling methods from wharf to ship, a mobile all weather escalator will be designed and constructed; (d) my Minister of Agriculture will place before you for consideration, measures aimed at assisting the potato producers of the Province in the determination of a system to market their produce; (16) improved and new facilities for tourist information and orientation will be established to serve the system of scenic drives; (17) a third car ferry, "Prince Edward", will join the Wood Islands -Pictou service this year; a 25% increase in car ferry capacity between Borden and Cape Tormentine will be provided, and "fly drive" air tourist packages will be undertaken in co-operation with the tourist industry: (18) my Government will take full advantage of the expanded and longer term winter works program in co-operation with the Federal Government: (19) my Government's programs in urban development will be further proceeded with this year. Significant progress has been made in Summerside, and 1973 will evidence additional advances. The Greater Charlottetown Area Study report is expected this year and early implementation of that program is anticipated. My Government will participate in and host a number of federal provincial and provincial conferences. In addition, my Government will continue to work with the Provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in identifying and participating in Maritime regional opportunities for social and economic development. Specifically, the following activities and undertakings will be a part of my Government's activity: (1) continued support to the Council of Maritime Premiers in the following key areas: (a) the Atlantic Police Academy; (b) the Land Registration and Information Service; (c) the Maritime Resource Management Service; and (d) co-operative efforts in resolving transportation questions; (2) my Ministers will participate fully with the Federal Government and the Railway companies in the proposed conference on freight rates; (3) my Government will host the annual Premiers Conference, the Federal Cabinet, and a number of Ministerial Conferences: (4) my Ministers will participate in conferences on Housing, Health and Welfare, and other important areas. In addition to the measures already specified, you will be asked to consider other legislative proposal You will be asked to appropriate the funds required for the services and payments required by this Assembly. The public accounts and reports of the various departments of my Government, for the year ending March 31, 1972, will be tabled for your information. The interim Report, forecasting estimated revenues and expenditures for the current fiscal year ending March 31, 1973, and estimates for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1973, will also be presented for your consideration. MR. SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY: As our Province enters the second century as a member of the Canadian federation, we can reflect upon the past one hundred years with pride in our achievements. Let us look forward to the next one hundred years of our Province and her people with hope and faith in a rewarding and fulfilling future. May Divine Providence guide your deliberations. ??