Province Législature Session Type de discours Date du discours Locuteur Fonction du locuteur Parti politique Manitoba 31e 3e Discours du trône 15 février 1979 Francis L. Jobin Lieutenant-gouverneur PC Mr. Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Manitoba: I welcome you to the Third Session of the Thirty-First Legislature of the Province of Manitoba. It is important to record first of all the appointment of a native Manitoban, Edward Richard Schreyer, as Governor-General of Canada. I know I speak for all Manitobans in wishing him well in the discharge of the duties of his high office. Je sais aussi que je parle au nom de tous les Manitobains en exprimant notre plaisir d'accueillir les Jeux Canada Games qui se sont ouverts a Brandon, au début de cette semaine. Les participants aussi bien que les spectateurs des Jeux peuvent être sûrs de la chaleureuse hospitalité du Manitoba. My Ministers inform me that they have participated in a series of intensive discussions on proposed amendments to the Constitution of Canada including a recent Conference of First Ministers. Our Constitution has served us remarkably well for more than a century, and therefore our objective must be to improve it, not to replace it. When a consensus has been achieved between the provinces and the federal government on the main clauses to be amended, it is the intention of my government through a Committee of this House to solicit the views of the people of Manitoba on such proposals. My Ministers inform me that they remain committed to the principles of financial responsibility within government and fiscal accountability to the people of Manitoba. It is now becoming universally recognized that governments cannot allow expenditures to increase at a rate greater than the rate at which taxation revenues and the general wealth of the country are increasing. In considering current problems and needs of the people of Manitoba my government is guided by certain fundamental beliefs which inform the policies and programs they will place before you at this session. In particular they affirm their belief in the general responsibility of government towards the society in which we live and the consequent obligation to provide for the aged, the infirm, and those members of our society who are economically disadvantaged through no fault of their own. They also affirm their belief in the principle of equality of opportunity and their commitment to ensure| all Manitobans may aspire to achieve to the limits of their God-given talents. Through my government's efforts at reorganization a greater efficiency has been achieved in the provision of government services which will ensure that the limited financial resources of government are directed to those most in need. My Ministers, in fulfilling their role as trustees of the public interest have exerted their best efforts to ensure protection for the citizen of the traditional freedoms of choice in economic, cultural, and social concerns. The protection of individual rights will continue to have a high priority in my government. My Ministers inform me that while they remain concerned over problems in the Manitoba economy and the threat of continuing inflation and unemployment, they have cause for reasonable satisfaction over the progress of the economy during the past year. I am told that the rate of growth in the province s total output in 1978 as measured in real terms is estimated to have been well above the rate in the preceding year with clear signs of improvement in a number of key sectors including agriculture and manufacturing. Strong gains were recorded both in total incomes and in the number of people employed in the province: these will add measurably to the restoration of consumer and investor confidence which is so vital to the continuing recovery of the Canadian economy and to our long term development. My Ministers tell me that their initiatives developed in 1978 to stimulate economic growth through the private sector and to create a climate conducive to growth in this province will be pursued vigorously during the coming year. They are fully aware that only with continued economic growth and consequent generation of wealth will it be possible to provide the funding and the expansion of social programs required for those in need in our society. My government's actions over the past year to reverse the negative impact of government intrusions in the economy, to minimize the prejudicial effects of some government regulation and to modify statutory requirements punitive to individual initiative have provided a solid base for private sector growth. My Ministers inform me that they have joined their colleagues in other senior governments across Canada in working with the Economic Council of Canada on a national study of government regulation and red tape. It is intended that the study will lead to a reduction in regulatory burdens on private citizens and on business. To complement the national study my Ministers have initiated a review of Manitoba regulations and procedures. In line with the initiative to improve the accountability of government in genera and of regulatory departments and agencies in particular, my Ministers will propose that the Standing Committee of the Legislature on Statutory Orders and Regulations resume its original function o reviewing provincial regulations and considering mechanisms for improved regulatory procedures. Those initiatives represent the priority thrust of government and are in various stages of implementation. They are intended to stimulate development in the private sector in the various areas of industry, tourism, agriculture, northern Manitoba and energy and water resources. In total and with the support of both the federal and provincial governments the initiatives will represent public sector involvement in excess of $100 million over a five year period. A concerted effort, led by the Economic Development SubCommittee of Cabinet, will be made to co-ordinate the resources and energies of all departments of the government so that they will jointly support and encourage expanded, and more productive, private sector activities in the province during the coming year. My government recognizes of course that further progress will depend not only on provincial policies but very much on national and international circumstances. Record high interest rates, the decline in value of the Canadian dollar, and the danger of accelerating inflationary pressures are only three of such circumstances which will have a direct bearing on Manitoba's economy performance this year. While my Ministers are determined to continue their efforts to reduce the demands of the provincial public sector on the people and economy of Manitoba, they believe it essential that complementary action be taken at the national level, based on a genuine commitment to the principles of fiscal and monetary responsibility. They believe that a greater effort should be made to ensure co-ordination of federal and provincial policies -- fiscal, economic and monetary -- during the present difficult period. My Ministers inform me that since the budget of last April important progress has been made towards the attainment of its objectives. You will be asked to consider amendments to The Financial Administration Act and to The Provincial Auditor's Act for the purpose of effecting further improvements in the province's fiscal management procedures, including management and financial information systems. and of guaranteeing that Manitoba taxpayers will receive full and fair value for their tax dollars. My government is convinced that maximum efficiency is essential to preserve and strengthen the wide range of important services which it is obligated to deliver. I am informed that my government, which began a review of the effectiveness of property tax and cost-of-living tax rebate programs during the past year, has expanded the examination to take into account the implications of recently announced federal government rebate programs. It is the intention of my government to issue a White Paper during the next few months which will, as far as possible. make recommendations to rationalize all related programs under an effective delivery system that best ensures that continuing financial support is provided to those most in need. My Ministers inform me that they are continuing to press the federal government for resolution of the urgent matters concerning the financial responsibility for services to Treaty Indians. The Indians of Manitoba have been full participants in my government's attempts to settle those outstanding issues. My Ministers inform me that the year 1978 was a good year for agriculture in Manitoba with higher livestock and crop prices resulting in a 20 percent growth in Manitoba's total farm value of production to an estimated record of $1,461 million in 1978. Such an increase will encourage Manitoba's farm community to continue expansion, diversification. and specialization of the agricultural sector into areas which lend themselves to the creation of new processing, manufacturing, and job opportunities. In that regard I am informed that Canada and Manitoba recently signed an $18.5 million General Development Subsidiary Agreement with emphasis on value added crop production which will allow for the cost-sharing of programs directly aimed at meeting that objective. My Ministers have informed me that the provision of water to farms and rural communities for increased livestock and crop production and household and industrial use will continue to be a priority matter. In addition they emphasize the importance of creating an infrastructure to facilitate the production of agricultural products for expanding markets. My government had the honour of hosting the Federal-Provincial Conference on Grain Handling and Transportation which took place in Winnipeg last month for the purpose of examining opportunities for the improvement and expansion of our grain delivery systems. The conference was successful as a unique gathering of all interested governments and organizations which agreed to the necessity for effective ongoing co-operation in improving the grain delivery systems and reaffirmed the viability of Manitoba's northern port of Churchill. My Ministers propose to place before you amendments to The Natural Products Marketing Act which have been reviewed with farm organizations and other interested groups throughout the province. My Ministers inform me that manpower activities formerly dispersed among several government departments are now combined in the Department of Labour and Manpower which will be able to provide more effective manpower planning and training programs in future. Amendments to The Workers Compensation Act will be laid before you for the purpose of increasing some benefit levels. You will be asked to approve continued funding during the coming year for the highly successful private sector youth employment program first instituted in 1978. In addition you will be asked to authorize a significant expansion in the training and educational activities of the Fire Commissioner's Office, particularly through the Manitoba Fire College which offers training and instruction to a wide spectrum of Manitobans. It is proposed to expand the training and education aspects of the Workplace Safety and Health Program. My government proposes to introduce amendments to The Civil Service Act to effect a number of important improvements. I am informed that the integration of the personnel functions of the Manitoba public service in the Civil Service Commission will result in a strengthened and revitalized role for the Commission and will enhance its ability to reinforce the merit principle and to monitor and report on personnel practices. In addition you will be asked to approve amendments affecting group insurance benefits available to public employees under The Public Servants' Insurance Act in order to reflect the impact of increases in the cost of living on the current scale of benefits established in the year 1974. My Ministers have assured me of their appreciation of the continuing dedication and efficiency of the members of the public service of Manitoba. My government will ask you to make fiscal provision for the development of local self-government in remote communities as well as to upgrade, improve, and construct certain infrastructure facilities including fire-fighting capacity in remote communities. My Ministers inform me that for the first time the administration of the Department of Northern Affairs has been decentralized into the north with the Deputy Minister now being located in Thompson. My Ministers propose to announce a new policy governing the sale of Crown lands which we have the effect of expanding the private ownership of family farmland and of providing Manitoban with additional opportunities for access to recreational and commercial land not required for public purposes. To help meet the growing public demand, several hundred cottage lots have been developed for release during the year 1979. I am informed that park development in northern Manitoba under the Manitoba Northland Agreement will be a priority of my government in 1979. In addition you will be asked to approve, funding to enable the preservation, interpretation and development of the recreational, natural an historical heritage of the Red River corridor extending from St. Norbert to the Netley Marsh. You will also be asked to consider an amendment to The Metallic Minerals Royalty Act for the purpose of making Manitoba's royalty system competitive with that of other provinces and to improve the climate for mining investment and job creation. In line with the policy which was initiated during the past year my government has made changes in regulations governing oil and gas exploration and production on lands where mineral rights a held by the Crown. You will be asked to consider amendments to The Mineral Taxation Act apply similar stimulative changes to exploration and production on freehold land. I am assured that the reorganization of the Department of Highways and Transportation has brought a greater degree of efficiency to the construction and operation of all matters pertaining to air, marine and surface transportation. My Ministers will ask for funding to ensure that continued high priority will be given in the coming year to the improvement and expansion of our provincial highway system. Special emphasis is being accorded to those areas of rural Manitoba affected by the abandonment of railway lines. My Ministers report that they have been successful in negotiating a federal-provincial Tourism Development Agreement. The Agreement is intended to provide programs as a stimulus investment in an important sector of our economy which provides employment for a large numb of Manitobans. As part of the new and enhanced tourism activity, my Ministers will recommend an improve tourist promotion and marketing program which will further develop our primary market areas adjacent provinces and states. My Ministers inform me that during 1978 they were able to recommend substantial finance assistance to the principal arts bodies in Manitoba, both in regard to meeting their current budge needs and to the disposing of accumulated deficits. It will be their intention to recommend continuing support for those organizations for your consideration and approval. I am told that the internal reorganization of the Department of Government Services, together with new policy initiatives, is intended to emphasize economy and efficiency throughout the department. Progressive management practices and procedures will be introduced to effect operational economies, including changes to the purchasing process, space consolidation amendments to The Land Acquisition and Expropriation Acts, and the rationalization of the government vehicle fleet and its accommodation. My Ministers inform me that new legislation will be brought forward to improve overall government operations by converting Manitoba Data Services into a Crown corporation to provide central dab processing services. You will be asked to consider amendments to clarify The Credit Unions and Caisses Populaire Act before it comes into force. My Ministers inform me that programs which will provide for greater information emphasis energy conservation, public and technical improvements are to be proposed. My Ministers also inform me that the Commission of Inquiry into Manitoba Hydro is expected to make interim recommendations which may form the basis of legislation to be laid before you to clarify the present relationship between Manitoba Hydro and the Public Utilities Board in regard to rate setting. My Ministers inform me that the Manitoba Hydro load growth in Manitoba grew in the calendar year 1978 by 2.8 percent. My Ministers recognize that a major challenge faces government an the utility to develop both internal load growth and export capabilities under terms and condition that are in the best interests of Manitoba ratepayers. In this connection it is hoped that the Western Electric Power System Study will be available for consideration at the next Western Premiers' Conference. My Ministers inform me that a review of the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation will be undertaken to examine the effectiveness, equitability and possible further extension of the no-fault principle in relation to both bodily injury and property damage, as well as a re-evaluation of the role of both the private and public sectors in all insurance categories. I am informed that the Manitoba Telephone System has increased the number of telephones in service over the last year. Direct distance dialing, now available to more than 97 percent of Manitoba's telephones, will be extended to cover additional communities. Other improvements will bring better telephone service to 60.000 additional customers by the year 1981 at a cost of almost $34 million. Upgrading of rural telephone service will continue as a priority. My Ministers inform me that it is intended to investigate the possibility of extending retail sale of liquor through private vendors to areas other than unorganized territories and rural areas. My Ministers inform me that the Report of the Lotteries Review Committee has been received and released to the public. It is the government's intention to initiate appropriate measures for implementing an improved lotteries system in Manitoba in the light of public response to the report. My Government will be presenting legislation to amend The Planning Act to provide for more decentralization of decision making to municipal councils. My Ministers inform me that they have introduced arrangements with the City of Winnipeg to provide bloc funding: that procedure will enable the City to establish its own spending priorities and thereby permit a greater degree of fiscal planning. The United Nations has declared 1979 as the International Year of the Child and in endorsing and recognizing its principles and objectives my government will be giving special consideration to the needs and welfare of children. I am informed that progress is being made in updating various programs in our schools to meet the ever-changing educational needs of our children. This year will also see the development of a Career Education Program. A program is being developed in the field of child welfare to overcome difficulties now encountered in the placement of disadvantaged children for adoption. In addition, you will be asked to provide funds to establish a refined monitoring and inspection system to ensure the most appropriate placement of children who cannot remain in their own homes, as well as to improve financial assistance to foster parents who provide care for children in need. Amendments will be presented to The Child Welfare Act for the purpose of ameliorating the problem of child abuse. You will be asked to authorize expenditure for the Manitoba Children's Dental Program which will be expanded into a number of remote northern communities in association with the Manitoba Dental Association. It is also proposed to extend the children's hearing conservation program. Funding through the Manitoba Health Services Commission will be sought to initiate a program designed to assist parents in the purchase of hearing aids for their children. My Ministers tell me that to ensure protection for our children, public health officials will be taking more active steps to promote their full immunization against the ongoing threat of childhood diseases. Within the general policy of fiscal responsibility I am informed that it has been possible to increase financial assistance to all levels of education -- schools, community colleges and universities -- with provision for increased grants to assist school divisions in meeting the needs of disabled and handicapped pupils. My government has a continuing concern for improving bilingual and multicultural aspects of our educational system. I am told that the percentage of French used in French language programs for French-speaking children and the number of English-speaking children enrolled in French immersion programs have increased. In addition a pilot program in Ukrainian immersion classes In kindergarten and Grade 1 will be established this year. My government proposes to meet the increasing demand for courses at community colleges by seeking your approval for additional financial resources to train the people required by Manitoba industry. It is my government's intention to introduce a revision of The Public Schools Act and related statutes Also. a careful study of the public schools' curriculum has been started to ensure that its content continues to meet the learning requirements of today's young Manitobans. My Ministers inform me that in keeping with the prudent allocation of fiscal resources there will be a modest expansion in community health and social services during the coming fiscal year. That improvement will efficiency serve to enhance the quality, and effectiveness of both health and social services. You will also be asked to provide funding for community services in mental health, mental and vocational rehabilitation programs, as well as for care services and community services and community residences for the mentally retarded, and for additional spaces in sheltered workshops to provide vocational rehabilitative opportunities for former mental patients now living in the community. You will be asked to approve a moderate increase in funding to ensure the continuing stability of Manitoba's extensive Child Day Care system. I am told also that initiatives are planned to strengthen the opportunities for residents of the Core area in Winnipeg, including a rationalization of programs now in existence in order to achieve greater effectiveness. You will also be asked to make funds available through the Manitoba Health Services Commission for a number of new and expanded programs including coverage for prosthesis from surgery, for improvement of emergency psychiatric facilities at the Health Sciences Centre, and for the establishment of an elderly day care program in Centre, and for the establishment of an elderly day care program in certain nursing homes for eligible senior citizens who maintain themselves within their own communities. My Ministers inform me that they propose to seek fiscal authority for a number of capital projects in the health field for construction during the coming fiscal year. Those projects include hospital renovation and construction personal care home construction and the upgrading of laboratory and x-ray facilities at a number of rural hospitals. An important part of the program will be the conversion of an existing building into a new 48-bed psychiatric facility associated with St. Boniface and Concordia hospitals. My government also tells me that construction will be completed of a new correctional institution in Brandon to alleviate overcrowding and to modernize facilities in the Western Judicial District of the province. My Ministers recognize the gradual shift of age groups in the population and the increasing number of elderly citizens in Manitoba. They are aware of the valuable contribution these Citizens can and do make to the life of our province. For those reasons my Ministers in consultation with the public and groups representing elderly people intend to establish as an agency of government a Commission on Age and Opportunity to formulate and adapt government policies and programs to the dynamics of the demographic changes brought about by a lower birthrate and greater longevity. In keeping with their understanding of the importance of physical fitness and amateur sport programs to Manitoba for the personal benefits obtained and for the wider implications in a healthier society, my Ministers will seek funding to enable them to continue the development of policies and programs to promote fitness and amateur sport in Manitoba. As a matter of first priority my government will be introducing new procedures to deal with the long standing problem of lack of enforcement of maintenance orders. I am informed that the draft Personal Investigation Act which was placed before you at the preceding session for your consideration has been amended in the intervening period as a result of comments and suggestions received. You will be asked to give further consideration to the amended Bill. In addition you will be asked to consider legislation to protect citizens purchasing services from the travel industry. It is my Ministers' intention to lay before you at the present session the draft text of a new Securities Act to be held over for future consideration by the House in the light of comments and suggested amendments which may be made by interested organizations and the general public. Pursuant to the statutory requirements, the recommendations of the Manitoba Electoral Boundaries Commission will be placed before you. The estimates of expenditure for the public service of the province and capital works project for the next fiscal year as well as the public accounts for the last fiscal year will be submitted for your consideration. These will reflect the fact that we live in a mixed economy, and will thus meet prudently both the needs of continuing government and those necessary services to the citizen of Manitoba. En vous quittant, je prie la Divine Providence de vous guider et d'éclairer votre jugement dans vos délibérations. May God bless the Queen and our country. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN