Province Législature Session Type de discours Date du discours Locuteur Fonction du locuteur Parti politique Nouveau-Brunswick 47e 3e Discours du trône 6 mars 1973 M. Hédard Joseph Robichaud Lieutenant-Gouverneur PC Mr. Speaker and Hon. Members of the Legislative Assembly, On behalf of Her Majesty the Queen it is my pleasure to address you today at the opening of this third session of the Forty-Seventh Legislative Assembly of the province of New Brunswick. The past year has been one of rapid economic advance in our province, with total personal income growing more rapidly in New Brunswick than in the country as a whole. Moreover, the absolute increase in employment was the largest in at least a decade. Yet the number of New Brunswickers seeking work is also increasing, and too many of our people do not enjoy sufficient income to share fully in the good things of life which New Brunswick has to offer. For these compelling reasons, my government continues to place its highest priority on the creation of new job opportunities for our citizens. Our economic development program is designed not only to increase the number of job opportunities, but also to enhance the financial and other rewards of employment. As part of my government's industrial development strategy for New Brunswick, you will be asked to consider a detailed statement of the government's position on the provision of financial assistance to industry. A new pilot program of conditional loans for small business firms will be proposed within the framework of the FRED agreement to help alleviate the particularly difficult unemployment problems which exist in the north-eastern region of the province. My government is in continuing negotiations with the government of Canada for new agreements affecting the special areas of Saint John and Moncton and for a new arterial highway agreement. The progress that we have achieved will be reported to you. As a further measure to encourage the development of new industrial activity, the government has created a Crown-owned holding company, Provincial Holdings Limited. This company will be the principal vehicle by which the government may take equity positions in new industrial developments. My government continues to be deeply committed to the objective of achieving the most optimum uses possible for the province's rich natural resources, including our forest and farm lands, minerals, and vast recreation potential. For many years it has been known that more intensive development of the province's forest resources could yield greater social and economic benefits for our people. In recent years, it has become increasingly clear that the government must take steps to help our forest-based industries achieve a more viable competitive position in world markets. With these objectives in mind, my government in 1971 initiated a comprehensive forest resources study to develop policies and programs to promote the fullest use of our forest resources and to help create and maintain the maximum number of job opportunities. This study during the past year and a half has involved detailed examinations of all aspects of the resource, its use and potential. The results of these investigations now provide the basis for the adoption of a new, positive and aggressive approach to the development of our forest-based industries. This new approach will rest on four broad principles: First, the government will exercise more direct management control over the province's forest resources, including allocation of the annual timber harvest to the best economic use, Second, it will take steps to bring about integration of the various forest-based industries to achieve the maximum output and employment possible, Third, the potentials which exist for multiple use of our forest lands, including recreational use, will be exploited more fully, and, Finally, forest management programs will be intensified to maintain and improve the long-range value of the forest resource. As a practical first step, my government has decided to designate a pilot forest resource development area in the north-eastern section of the province to assure that all wood from this area is used to provide maximum value to the people of the province, consistent with the principles of sound forest management and multiple-use concepts, and to create the largest possible number of stable job opportunities. Expansion of mining activity has been an important source of new wealth for New Brunswick in recent years. Over the next three years the province, in cooperation with the federal Department of Regional Economic Expansion, will greatly expand its program of mineral exploration and research into mineral processing and development. Nearly $3 million will be spent on this program which is so important to the generation of further industrial activity in this field. My government shares the increasing public concern with the loss of public access to prime recreational lands, and the question of non-resident land ownership. My government will continue to examine and determine the extent and effects of non-resident ownership and control of land. In addition, our planning and development of land use policies will be accelerated to ensure that the province's recreational resources will be developed in a manner consistent with the needs and wishes of our people. My government will continue the emphasis given to development of the tourism industry in New Brunswick, with specific attention this year to the possibilities of extending both the length of the tourist season and the average length of stay. The Department of Tourism, through is advertising and promotion, will give more attention to the fall and winter seasons, package tours, conventions development, and the promotion of vacation destinations in the province. My government will continue to broaden the recreational base by further development of provincial park facilities throughout New Brunswick. Construction will continue at Les Jardins de La République Provincial Park in Madawaska County and Sugarloaf Provincial Park at Campbellton. Further measures will be taken to exploit more fully the province's agricultural potential. During the current year the government's agricultural programs will concentrate on improving the efficiency of production and the marketing of farm products. This will be done by improving and integrating the existing financial and technical assistance programs, so that assistance may be tailored to the requirements of individual farm units. Special efforts will be made to develop stronger marketing organizations under provincial and federal marketing Acts. The Egg Marketing Plan was established during the past year, and it is anticipated that other commodities will be marketed under similar programs during the present year. Further efforts will be undertaken in cooperation with the potato industry to gain a larger portion of the seed and table potato markets Appropriate programs will be introduced to encourage more adequate storage facilities for locally grown fruits and vegetables. In order to increase production of quality livestock to meet the local and export markets, sales promotion, improved breeding and management training programs will be conducted. It is planned to introduce legislation by which farmers may acquire needed equipment at lower financing costs. In the near future, the provincial Department of Agriculture will move its headquarters to the site of the Research Station of the Canada Department of Agriculture in Fredericton. This move will enable both federal and provincial departments to cooperate more effectively in their efforts to assist the agricultural industry in this province. The province's commercial fishing industry achieved a great deal of progress during 1972, with a very substantial increase in the export value of fish products. A major research and development program will be undertaken this year to improve further the exploration, production and marketing of seafood products. In addition, both the government's loan program for commercial fishermen and the training program at the Caraquet Fisheries School have been expanded. The use of electrical energy to meet industrial needs in the province has increased by more than 50 per cent over the past five years During the same period, use of electricity in the homes has doubled, and commercial energy consumption has expanded by close to 140 per cent. New, large and efficient generation units must be provided to meet these increasing power demands. To help fill this need, the Electric Power Commission will spend $86 million on capital projects during the coming fiscal year Over $67 million will represent major system development including substantial work on the Coleson Cove Generating Station and the beginning of a new extra high voltage transmission system linking load centres and ultimately extending into Nova Scotia. Nearly $20 million will be spent on additional new services and on the improvement of existing facilities. The development of the Coleson Cove Generating Station was made possible by conclusion of a participation agreement with New England utilities. This agreement is vital if the Commission is to install large and economic generating units and ensure continued supplies of electric power during periods of equipment failure, repair or overhaul. There are important side benefits, substantial construction employment will be generated and, of equal importance, there will be a large market for residual fuel sparking further development of oil refining capacity in New Brunswick. The Coleson Cove plant will have one of the most advanced and practical pollution control systems available. A fueling strategy has also been designed to improve security of supply and to meet national environmental control standards under all weather conditions. The government is proceeding with the drafting of regulations under the Clean Environment Act. As indicated during the 1972 session, proposed regulations for air quality have been made public and time given for citizens, comment prior to final passage. Regulations dealing with water quality water resources and well drillers will be presented to the public in a similar fashion in the coming months. During this session my government will propose major changes in the structure of municipal government and finance, based upon the recommendations of the task force study recently completed on the subject This program of fundamental reform will include a reallocation of certain service responsibilities between the province and municipalities, encouragement of municipal amalgamations which improve the effectiveness of local government, a phasing-out of tax concessions, and a complete revamping of the system of unconditional grants for municipalities. One important effect of these measures will be to remove inequities contained in the present system of municipal financing to the overall benefit of municipal rate payers. In addition, my government has initiated a study of the feasibility of Introducing in New Brunswick a system of property tax credits to reduce the impact of property taxation on the lower income citizens. My government deeply concerned with the need to maintain and strengthen the protection which citizens have against arbitrary action by government authority and others To this end, a completely new Expropriation Act will be introduced, establishing a system of public hearings to prevent the abuse of expropriation powers and to revise and broaden the basis for the payment of compensation. A new Police Act will be introduced to provide for the upgrading of police personnel and to increase the capacity of our police to combat crime effectively. The province's human rights legislation will be extended to prevent discrimination based on age and marital status. Further steps will be taken to modernize our judicial system. My government will establish a volunteer committee to review legislation and services relating to the care of children to bring policy and practice in this important field more closely in line with changing social conditions and requirements. A bill relating to revision of the statutes of the province will be presented to you. Beginning at this session, new legislation introduced into the Legislative Assembly will be printed in both English and French. Further measures are being taken to provide for French language trials in the courts of the province. Language training for government employees is being extended to increase the government's capacity to serve our population in the official language of their choice. Legislation will be introduced to establish a Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission so that, in cooperation with the provinces of Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia, the greatest possible educational benefits will be brought to the people of our region in the most efficient manner. The development of a New Brunswick community college concept will be proposed to reorganize and improve the existing opportunities for trades, technical and other specialized college-level education and training. The college system will operate under a provincial coordinating board, with membership drawn from the fields of government, education, business, organized labour and the general public, and will be expected to give particular emphasis to continuing education and to the retraining of our adult population. The Industrial Training and Certification Act will be amended to permit the issuing of certificates of qualification for a wider range of occupations. Certain amendments will be made to the Schools Act to bring it more in line with modern education objectives and practices. These changes include provisions to facilitate implementation of the agreement which my government has reached to transfer teacher education to the universities. Amendments will be introduced to the Workmen's Compensation Act to raise the minimum level of awards, past and future, to increase the level of maximum earnings for which benefits can be paid, and to provide for the appointment of a permanent advisory committee to help keep the functioning of this important social legislation in line with changing requirements. The total activities of the provincial government now represent a vast undertaking, equivalent to nearly 30 per cent of the Gross Provincial Product. It IS thus imperative that these activities be conducted with efficiency and in a responsible manner. During the past year, the administrative machinery of the government has been strengthened with the creation of a separate Treasury Board under a full-time minister. These improvements will be reflected in the budget estimates to he placed before you shortly. Administrative improvements have also been made in other government departments, including the Department of Social Services where changes are being made in the system of administrative controls to ensure that public support is channeled only to cases of genuine need. At the same time, citizens' advisory councils have been established within each area served by a district office of the department to provide a mechanism whereby government policy and programs will be able to reflect more accurately the social service needs of local communities. A strengthened system of competitive bidding for government construction contracts has been put into effect to ensure that the taxpayers receive full value for their money. My government is preparing plans to provide for an integrated ambulance service on a province-wide basis, to improve the access which all residents of the province have to necessary hospital care facilities. The Interim Commission on Alcoholism has recommended two detoxification and rehabilitation centres in the cities of Saint John and Campbellton. These recommendations have been accepted by government and the first stage of the Saint John Centre was opened recently. The Interim Commission will continue to function in the coming months to assist the government in the implementation of recommendations and in the formation of the permanent commission to deal with this important problem of addiction. My government is pleased that 1972 has been another record year for housing starts in New Brunswick. As well, there has been a substantial Improvement in the quality of housing in the province over the last decade, but a large number of our citizens, chiefly those in lower income groups, are still not adequately housed. My government is determined to continue efforts to put adequate housing within reach of all our citizens, regardless of their financial circumstances. My government, therefore, will introduce legislation to amend the New Brunswick Housing Act. The amendments will enable my government to participate in the recently announced federal proposals for housing in Canada. This legislation will authorize payment of direct subsidies for home ownership. The amendments will also permit the Housing Corporation, in cooperation with the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, to provide special assistance to non-profit housing corporations for family accommodation and accommodation for senior citizens. Finally, the amendments will permit the province to enter into agreements with the federal government for the purpose of improving residential neighborhoods in urban areas. My government is mindful that the main thrust of the new enabling legislation is to assist citizens in urban areas. The provincial housing corporation will, therefore, continue to meet the challenge of rural housing needs by directing the major portion of provincial home improvement funds to rural families. My government will also continue to press the federal government, as it has in the past, for its participation in a province-wide home improvement program. The New Brunswick Sports Secretariat has been established to make administration services available to all agencies involved in sports, recreation and physical fitness Funds are being provided for clinics and development camps for athletes in order to promote leadership in sports and recreation. The government will support financially the training of the New Brunswick contingent to the Canada Summer Games in Burnaby-New Westminster. The province will again hold Its own Winter Games early in 1974. In cooperation with the Senior Citizens Federation, my government has launched a study on problems of the aging in New Brunswick. The study report which will soon be completed, will be carefully considered by my government and action will be taken to build a better and more meaningful life for our many senior citizens. My government is also firmly committed to the concept that a strong vigorous province can best achieve its social, economic and cultural goals by means of forward-looking policies, and by effective cooperation with neighboring provinces and other jurisdictions with whom we have common interests and shared objectives. Over the past year efforts have been made to strengthen our economic, social and cultural bonds with England and France. During the coming months, further measures to solve common problems and to realize our shared potentials will be initiated with the government of Quebec and the states of New England, including particularly the states of Maine and Massachusetts with whom New Brunswick has important ties in both history and contemporary affairs. Within the Maritime Provinces much practical progress is being made toward the achievement of our common purposes toward the reduction of administrative costs for a number of government services and toward the development of a stronger and more respected voice for the region in national affairs, through the continuing work of the Council of Maritime Premiers. The first annual report of the Council of Maritime Premiers will be tabled at this session. The select committees of the Legislature concerned with agriculture and rural life and with natural resources will also present reports for your consideration. A select committee will be established to study and recommend reforms in the Elections Act. The public accounts for the fiscal period ending March 31, 1972, a statement of estimated revenues and expenditures for the current fiscal year and the estimates for the coming fiscal year will be placed before you. In addition there will be an opportunity to consider and debate fully all special warrants approved during the past year. Members of the Legislative Assembly, as I leave you now to your deliberations, I am confident that you will approach the task of building a better future for the people you represent with energy and dedication. May Divine Providence guide you in your deliberations.