Province Législature Session Type de discours Date du discours Locuteur Fonction du locuteur Parti politique Nouveau-Brunswick 48e 3e Discours du trône 1 mars 1977 M. Hédard Joseph Robichaud Lieutenant-Gouverneur PC Mr. Speaker and Hon. Members of the Legislative Assembly, On behalf of the Queen of Canada, I greet you today at the opening of the third session of the Forty-Eighth Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick. L'année dernière, nous avons eu le grand honneur et le plaisir de souhaiter la bienvenue à Sa Majesté la Reine en personne. Cette année de concert avec tous les Canadiens, nous nous réjouissons à l'occasion du vingt-cinquième anniversaire de son accession au trône. Today, Canada, our great country, of which New Brunswick is a proud, dedicated and loyal founder, is undergoing the most severe strain it has experienced in the 110 years since it emerged as a national entity. In 1867, Confederation brought together a number of distinct communities--communities of geography, of language and culture, of varying economic interests. It has steadily expanded since then to take in yet other communities from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the Arctic to our southern border. L'idée de prestige qui auréole le Canada résidait et réside encore dans son engagement à préserver et à développer pleinement le caractère distinctif de ses communautés; elle consiste à reconnaître que c'est seulement dans une union fondée sur les besoins mutuels, sur les aspirations mutuelles, sur le respect et l'appui mutuels que pourront survivre et prospérer ces communautés. Pour accomplir la tâche gigantesque qu'affronte le Canada, cette idée de prestige, cette vision originelle de notre pays, doit devenir une réalité plus concrète dans le coeur et l'esprit de chaque Canadien. Les communautés du Canada n'existent pas pour se combattre ou s'ignorer l'une l'autre, mais plutôt pour s'épauler et s'appuyer l'une l'autre, pour partager leurs préoccupations communes tout en recherchant le progrès du pays. My government wishes to reaffirm its abiding and unswerving devotion to that vision of Canada and to urge all New Brunskickers to renew and strengthen their commitment to national unity; to the proposition that only by living, working and growing together will all Canadians realize the liberty, prosperity and self-realization that is our common destiny. These are not easy times. Economic difficulties have conspired with the challenge to Confederation to work hardships on many of our citizens who are unable to find jobs and who must struggle constantly against rising prices to feed, clothe and house themselves. The hopes that all governments in Canada and across the world had just a year ago for a solid economic recovery have not been fully realized. Further improvements are necessary by governments, private enterprise and the citizens before we can regain a full measure of economic prosperity. This is not simply a New Brunswick, or even a Canadian problem. It is a world problem and it is no longer enough for one segment of society to take the lead. Everyone must play his part, whether he is in government, industry, the community, the home, the school or the shop. Over the last decade, governments have played the transcendent role in stimulating the economy and in re-ordering social and developmental priorities. This has brought great benefits, but those benefits are not without cost, and we must clearly understand that cost. What we gain from massive government initiatives must be offset against what we may lose from private and community initiative. This country was not built solely by governments; it was forged through individual, community and corporate effort and it is from these initiatives, not from governments alone, that we derive our character as New Brunswickers and Canadians. In this sense, it is the proper responsibility of government to complement support, encourage and protect, to provide the kind of leadership which reserves for the citizen, the enterprise and community the preeminent role in guiding society. It is in this context that my government will present to you today its legislative program for this, the third session of the Forty-Eighth Assembly. La nécessité de s'imposer des temps de contrainte, non seulement pour les gouvernements mais aussi pour tous les secteurs de la société, découle de la situation économique actuelle. Mon gouvernement continuera d'exercer une contrainte responsable dans les dépenses et de stimuler les activités économiques qui promettent d'assurer à tous les citoyens des bienfaits à long terme. L'année dernière à la même époque l'inflation s'est présentée à nous comme le problème le plus redoutable. Nous nous sommes joints aux autres provinces et au gouvernement du Canada dans un effort collectif afin d'abaisser le taux d'inflation. Nous avons connu un succès considérable. En 1976, l'inflation a augmenté de 7.2 pour cent au Nouveau-Brunswick comparativement au taux de 11.6 pour cent de l'année 1975. Cette baisse excédait d'un point celle de l'ensemble du Canada. Toutefois la lutte n'est pas terminée. L'inflation reste toujours menaçante. Une attention soutenue à l'égard de cette question demeurera une préoccupation importante du gouvernement au cours des douze prochains mois. Although the economic outlook for 1977 is not a particularly vigorous one, there is cause for optimism. Exports will improve and the potential devaluation of the dollar will add competitive advantage. An increase in base metal sales and lumber shipments should occur. Several major construction and investment projects are under way, including plant expansions at Fraser's mill in Edmundston, and at Brunswick Mines and Heath Steele, which, together with continued construction at the Point Lepreau Nuclear Station, the Brunswick Square Complex in Saint John and that city's regional hospital, will add to overall economic activity. OUI 1977 real growth rate, in fact, is predicted to be the third highest in Canada and the highest in the Atlantic region. An increasingly important factor in economic activity is the rising cost of energy and the pressing need both to ensure adequate supplies of energy and to conserve that energy which we now use by making the most efficient use of it. In approaching this matter, my government is aware not only of the needs of those who use energy, but also of the needs of those who are to supply it. In this context, a major agreement was concluded recently between the government of Canada and the governments of the three Maritime Provinces, paving the way for the orderly and effective exploitation of offshore mineral resources on the Atlantic coast. By working together, through the Council of Maritime Premiers the three Maritime governments and the government of Canada have set the stage for what might be the first step in developing regional energy sufficiency. In addition, the potential construction of a major liquefied natural gas facility in Saint John using gas from Algeria will stimulate economic activity in that area and assure the region, for the first time, of a supply of natural gas thus reducing our dependency on imported petroleum. As important as increasing the supply of energy is, however, conservation remains one of the most effective ways of ensuring that we will continue to benefit from the use of petroleum products for as long as possible. Efforts will be intensified to negotiate agreements with the government of Canada covering conservation programs for immediate implementation in the province. To ensure that practical conservation programs are effectively undertaken, an energy conservation coordinator will be appointed in the Cabinet Secretariat. Le renforcement de l'administration municipale dans la province continue à être un objectif important de mon gouvernement. Il vous sera présenté un programme législatif se rapportant à l'extension des districts de services locaux dans les localités de la province qui ne sont pas encore représentées par des conseils municipaux ou des districts de services locaux. En outre, il sera presenté des modifications à la Loi sur l'aide aux municipalités touchant la formule des subventions sans condition, et des changements seront apportés à l'application de la taxe d'affaires. Aux termes d'une modification à la Loi sur les municipalités, celles-ci jouiront d'une autorité accrue leur permettant de faire observer des règlements sur le vagabondage. An important element of municipal and provincial administration is community planning. Amendments to the Community Planning Act will be introduced and planning mechanisms will be established in conjunction with proposals affecting the unincorporated areas of the province. Because of the increasing complexity and variety of government activity, and the need for all citizens to effectively understand public programs, my government will place before you at this session a White Paper concerning the need for access to government information by the public. It is my hope that this paper will generate informed discussion, and possibly lead to the introduction of legislation affecting the rights of individuals to obtain government information. The right of an individual property owner to appeal the judgment of the minister concerning assessment of woodland property will be placed before you. An amendment to the Assessment Act will be introduced allowing owners of woodland property, under certain circumstances, to appeal a decision by the Minister of Municipal Affairs on the designation of woodland property. La réforme en agriculture est l'un des mots d'ordre du programme législatif de cette année. Mon gouvernement a propose d'être sensible aux besoins des fermiers pour relever le défi que représente le changement dans cette industrie dynamique. Les services de gestion agricole recevront une attention particulière et les activités des services consultatifs en formation et en planification agricoles connaîtront une extension. De nouveaux programmes seront adoptés en vue d'encourager une production accrue des récoltes fourragères afin de permettre à nos éleveurs de bétail de moins dépendre des importations pour leurs grains fourragers. Une refonte complète de la Loi sur les associations coopératives et une nouvelle Loi sur les caisses populaires seront proposées pour adoption, de même que des modifications à la Loi sur les fédérations de caisses populaires, à la Loi sur l'oléo margarine et à la Loi sur les succédanés de produits laitiers. Une modification apportée récemment à l'Entente auxiliaire sur le développement agricole en vertu de l'Entente-cadre de développement permet de soutenir les programmes actuels ayant trait à la production de fruits et de légumes, à l'élevage du bétail, à l'aménagement des terres et à la production de fourrages et permettra en plus d'introduire de nouveaux programmes favorisant le développement de l'industrie porcine. Several measures aimed at improving public safety and protection will be laid before you. A Police Act will be introduced following discussions on the measures by the law amendments committee, the labour management committee, and the municipalities. Legislation will be introduced reducing the maximum speed on most sections of provincial highways to 55 miles an hour. Amendments will be introduced to the Motor Vehicle Act, including provisions dealing with failure to pay certain fines for violations. Amendments will also be placed before you to the Private Investigators and Security Guards Act and the Highway Act. Employees' rights in respect to employment standards will be considered in new legislation to be introduced by my government. An employment standards code, affecting such matters as minimum wages, wage protection and recovery, unjust dismissal or discipline, employee protection, layoffs, hours of work, child employment, and vacations and leave will be placed before you for your consideration. An equitable distribution of education resources among all provincial school boards remains a priority of my government. The formula budgeting system, already introduced, will be continued and improved and adjustments to the formula will be reported to this Legislature. An amendment will be introduced to the Schools Act permitting school boards to retain fees paid for the use of school facilities by community organizations. A program of driver education on a cost-recovery basis to the driver will be gradually expanded to all school districts so that students may take advantage of lower insurance rates granted by insurance companies to young drivers who have successfully completed a recognized driver education course. Parce qu'il reconnait que l'enseignement d'une langue seconde donne de meilleurs résultats au niveau scolaire, mon gouvernement a fait de l'enseignement d'une langue seconde par immersion totale une partie officielle du programme d'études des écoles du Nouveau-Brunswick. Ce programme restera facultatif, mais le ministère de l'Education encouragera les districts scolaires à établir des cours d'immersion et il contribuera à leur financement. Les préparatifs en vue de la promulgation des autres articles de la Loi sur les langues officielles au ler juillet de la présente année vont bon train. Ces articles ont trait à la publication dans les deux langues de tous les procès-verbaux et rapports de l'Assemblée législative, de la Gazette royale ainsi que des avis et documents dont la publication est requise en vertu d'une loi quelconque. De plus, ces mesures fournissant au public ou mettent à sa disposition des services fonctionnant dans les deux langues. Steps will be taken to lay before you legislation concerning our provincial heritage. In recognition of the growing awareness by the public of their heritage and the need for assistance to ensure its protection, my government is holding discussions with the government of Canada to establish a heritage property register and, at a later stage, to provide financial assistance to owners of endangered property of historical significance. On August 1 5, the Village Historique Acadien, an historical project developed by my government in cooperation with the government of Canada, will be officially opened to the public. Work will begin on the construction of a major museum in Edmundston to serve the northwestern region of the province and preparatory work will continue on the Fisheries Museum/Aquarium complex planned for Shippegan. Amendments to the Provincial Archives Act and the Historic Sites Protection Act will also be introduced. Mining and forestry continue to contribute significantly to New Brunswick prosperity. During the coming year, my government will be accelerating management programs on both private and public forests and will be identifying projects associated with the forest resources as means of alleviating unemployment. A new greenhouse to serve the northeast will be constructed and negotiations will be concluded for the acquisition of additional sports fishing waters which will be opened to the public. Discussions are proceeding to realize a zinc smelter at Belledune as soon as possible. In addition, agreement on a development plan for exploitation of potash deposits in the Susax area is expected in the fall and preliminary work on the site could begin after that. Legislation will be introduced amending the Mining Income Tax Act, the Reclamation Act and the Crown Lands Act. An Underground Storage Act will also be placed before you. Improvements to the province's transportation system will continue in the coming year, including a beginning in the implementation of the recently signed three-year agreement with the government of Canada for cost-shared highway construction. Following negotiations between the governments of the three Maritime Provinces and the federal Department of Transport, a decision of major potential significance to the region was taken when the department agreed to make transportation policy an instrument of economic development. My government, while extremely pleased with the success of these negotiations, in which it played a major part, will be concerned during the coming months to ensure that this policy is translated into practical and effective action. My government will continue to work with the federal Department of Communications as well as private enterprise and other government agencies to ensure that all New Brunswickers receive a complete range of modern communications, including telecommunications, broadcasting and cable services, industrial development and increased manufacturing employment remain top priorities of my government's economic policy. Since the early 1970's our economy has grown at unprecedented rates, with personal income and manufacturing shipments up more than 70 per cent, manufacturing investment increased by 64 per cent and the traditional migration of New Brunswickers out of the province to seek jobs reversed. Between 1973 and 1976, net employment in manufacturing went up by more than 2,000, with most of the growth in the more sophisticated areas of enterprise. Although the rates of growth this year are not expected to be as spectacular either in New Brunswick or Canada, my government anticipates continued improvements in the manufacturing sector, particularly among those smaller firms that make up 70 per cent of manufacturing establishments. New initiatives will be taken to encourage this actor, including the creation of a small business section in the Department of Commerce and Development and the establishment of a small business management advisory program to assist the small businessman by increasing the viability of his firm. Forgivable loans under the small business financial assistance program will be extended to Madawaska, Victoria, Northumberland, Queens, Charlotte and Sunbury counties. To date, loans under this innovative program have totalled more than $1.2 million and created almost 450 jobs. A major feature of my government's economic development strategy has been the expansion of the Port of Saint John and the transformation of this historically important establishment into a year-round operation. Since the early 1970's when this government's initiative caused Rodmey Telminal to be constructed, container traffic has mushroomed from 90,000 tons to an estimated 1.1 million tons in 1976. Total cargo handled in the port generally has increased in the same period from 6.5 million tons to 12.1 million and is forecast to reach an unprecedented 23.8 million tons in 1985. Brunterm operators of Rodney Terminal, will add a third container crane in 1977. Potash and liquified natural gas developments could bring total cargo at the port to 43.1 million tons in 1985, an increase in 15 years of almost 700 per cent. Les mesures pour stimuler l'industrie de la pêche au Nouveau-Brunswick, l'une des industries les plus anciennes et les plus vitales de la province, seront maintenues au cours de l'année qui vient. Ces mesures comprendront la construction à Grand Manan d'une cale de halage d'une capacité de 100 tonnes, la mise en service de hangars à appât situés dans des endroits stratégiques à travers la province, des études poussées du potentiel en matière d'huitres et de mollusques dans le détroit de Northumberland et l'expansion du programme ministériel de promotion des produits de la pêche. Des changements majeurs seront proposés à la Commission des prêts aux pêcheurs afin qu'une nouvelle loi intitulée Loi sur le développement des pêches soit adoptée, et des modifications à la Loi sur l'union des pêcheurs vous seront proposés. A la suite de l'établissement cette année de la zone de pêche de 200 milles au Canada, des mesures seront prises pour planifier à long terme le développement de la flotte en fonction de l'expansion de l'industrie de la pêche au Canada. La possibilité d'exploiter les bancs riches en crevettes au large des côtes du Labrador fera l'objet d'une étude. My government will also propose to this Legislature amendments to the Public Service Superannuation Act, the Teachers' Pension Act, and the Provincial Court Act, and will introduce new legislation concerning flood plains and emergency measures. Complete revisions of the Health Act and the Vital Statistics Act will also be placed before you, and amendments will be submitted to the Public Hospitals Act and the Special Care Homes Act. Amendments will also be proposed to all legislation affected by the change to the metric system, and a provincial building code, adopting the national building code, will be placed before you. Les comptes publics pour la période terminée le 31 mars 1976, le relevé des revenus et dépenses prévus pour l'année financière en cours ainsi que les prévisions pour l'année qui vient vous seront présentés. In the discharge of your duties during this difficult period, I pray Divine Providence will guide you and grant you the high sense of responsibility our province will need from you on these matters.