Province Législature Session Type de discours Date du discours Locuteur Fonction du locuteur Parti politique Saskatchewan 16e 2e Discours du trône 30 janvier 1969 Robert L. Hanbidge Lieutenant Governor Saskatchewan Liberal Party Mr. Speaker, Members of the Legislative Assembly: It is my privilege to welcome you to the Second Session of the Sixteenth Legislature of Saskatchewan. The year through which we have just passed has demonstrated dramatically the benefits of the diversified economy my Government has been striving to achieve. Although weather conditions resulted in substantial damage to our wheat crop, general income in Saskatchewan equalled an all-time record. Reduced income to our farmers was more than compensated for by greatly increased earnings by our citizens outside agriculture. It remains obvious, however, that inflation continues to pose a serious threat to our economy, and my Government will continue to do all in its power to combat this danger. AGRICULTURE The past year was a difficult one for Saskatchewan farmers. Yet despite poor growing conditions and extremely unfavorable harvesting weather, our province will still have its seventh largest wheat crop in history. Unfortunately, much of our crop was taken off in a damp or tough condition. Working with the Federal Government, the grain companies, and individual farmers, my Government has made every feasible effort to make certain that adequate drying facilities are available. Livestock 1968 has been a good year for livestock producers. When the final figures are compiled, we expect to have achieved an all-time record in cash receipts for the sale of livestock and livestock products, amounting to nearly $250 millions. During this session, you will be asked to approve additional measures designed to diversify the province's agriculture, and particularly to expand livestock production. Swine Barns The program of assisting farmers in the Rural Development Areas of Saskatchewan with the construction costs of swine barns and equipment will be continued. Since the policy was put into effect in 1967, assistance totalling more than $340,000 has been paid to 153 farmers. Crop Insurance Again, you will be asked to substantially increase the number of farmers eligible for crop insurance. South Saskatchewan Irrigation Project The first major block of the South Saskatchewan River Irrigation Project is scheduled to become operational in the spring of this year. With the completion of some additional water control structure installations this year, water will be available to approximately 12,000 acres of land in the Broderick South section of the project. My Government will give a major priority to the preparation of additional irrigated acreage during 1969. Crown Lands The sale of Crown-owned lands made in the past four years now exceeds 900 000 acres. In the coming 12 months this program will be further stepped up. Under certain circumstances, some land will be sold by tender. Sewer and Water During 1968, sewer and water facilities were brought to 3,800 rural homes many with assistance from the Department of Agriculture. This program will be continued and expanded during 1969. HEALTH My Government will again ask for large sums to improve the various health programs in Saskatchewan. Utilization Fees My Ministers continue to be concerned by the rapidly escalating costs of our health plans. Utilization fees have been successful in restraining the rate of escalation, but unless every citizen co-operates in helping to curb over-utilization of our health facilities, additional tax measures may be required in future years. In order to ensure that utilization fees will not cause undue hardship to any family, you will be asked to approve legislation which will institute an annual family ceiling on such fees. Psychiatric Program My Government will continue to strengthen our psychiatric program and to implement the so-called "Saskatchewan Plan" in accordance with the Frazier report. The conversion from an institutional program to a community-based plan will require a change in the role of the hospital located in Weyburn. During the coming year, therefore, we shall be faced with finding alternative uses for these buildings, An interdepartmental study is under way to aid in bringing about these changes, with the least dislocation in the Weyburn area. Marriage Act You will also be asked to consider amendments to The Vital Statistics Act and The Marriage Act, for the purpose of making their provisions consistent with the Canada Divorce Act, and for the purpose of meeting certain administrative needs. ELECTORAL REFORM The Legislature will be asked to approve the establishment of a special legislative committee to study the desirability and most appropriate methods of electoral reform. RULES OF THE LEGISLATURE There are many who feel that the rules of the Legislature need modernizing, streamlining, and updating, in the interests of efficiency. Your approval will be asked for the establishment of a special legislative committee to study the validity of this contention, and to make recommendations for appropriate changes in the rules. EDUCATION My Government will continue to give the highest priority to the education of our people. Accordingly, you will be asked to again approve increases in spending for all levels of education. In particular, substantial sums will be required for the continued expansion of the Saskatoon and Regina campuses of the University of Saskatchewan. Technical and vocational training facilities must also be further enlarged. Certain disparities still exist which work hardship on some separate school systems. You will therefore be asked to approve a more equitable basis for making grants to these schools. In order to encourage more extensive utilization of buildings, equipment and staff, legislation will be introduced to permit school boards to organize the operation of schools on a more flexible basis as to scheduling of the school year, school week and school day. INDUSTRIAL INCENTIVES The Government will introduce legislation to permit the making of cash grants to industry, where such economic development incentives are needed to meet competition from other provinces. MINERAL DEVELOPMENT Mineral activity in the province continues at an unprecedented pace, with exploration for a variety of minerals being carried out in all areas of the province. Reports of exploration discoveries in the Pre-Cambrlan Shield have resulted in a land disposition of such dimensions that my Government has decided that the northern mineral exploration program, having fulfilled its purpose, should be discontinued. This program will be terminated upon the expiration of existing agreements. PROVINCIAL FLAG During the last session of this Legislature, a Committee of the House was established to recommend to the House a design for a distinctive flag for Saskatchewan. During this session you will receive the findings and recommendations of that committee and, hopefully, choose a provincial flag. INDIAN AND METIS The advancement of opportunities for our citizens of Indian and Métis origin must be continued and sharply expanded. While some progress in this field has been made, much more must be accomplished if solutions are to be found to this most difficult human problem. The native birth rate in Saskatchewan continues to be one of the highest in the world. Therefore, my Government will propose substantial expenditures for the initiation of additional agricultural projects for Indian and Métis people. My Ministers will also seek your co-operation in expanding educational and upgrading opportunities. Every method of increasing employment opportunities for our natives will be explored and utilized. You will be asked to supply substantial funds for providing housing accommodation, particularly for those who move to urban areas. You will also be asked to approve the setting-up of a new department in my Government, which will assume responsibility for all programs relating to Saskatchewan Indians and Métis with the exception of agriculture. THE PROTECTION OF CITIZENS Orderly Payment of Debts Provisions will be made which will provide for the orderly payment of small debts for certain individual citizens. Uniform Trust Act My Government will ask you to pass a Uniform Act respecting the variation of trusts, which will provide relief, if the Court sees fit, from the inflexible limitations of many trusts. Trust and Loan Companies Licensing Act You will be asked to pass a new Trust and Loan Companies Licensing Act, to provide greater protection to the public in the regulation and supervision of these companies. LIBRARIES My Government continues to believe that the development of public library services is an important factor in the total educational and cultural program of the province. Consequently, you will be asked to adopt further recommendations of the Library Inquiry Committee. Also, my Government, in order to provide library services equal to the demands of this era, will propose legislation outlining a Saskatchewan library system, involving provincial services and regional libraries. MUNICIPAL FINANCE CORPORATION Our municipalities continue to face serious problems in the raising of revenues to provide services essential to growth. Therefore, my Government proposes to establish a fund, from which municipalities may borrow at lower interest rates than are presently available to them. This will be effected by the establishment of a Municipal Finance Corporation, through which the credit of the province can be utilized for borrowing at favorable rates of interest. POLLUTION ASSISTANCE My Government proposes to take steps to prevent pollution of our waters, and to continue to ensure an adequate supply of clean water for our citizens and industries. The burden of maintaining an unpolluted water supply will fall heavily on some of our cities. Therefore, you will be asked to approve legislation which will help our cities to meet the future costs of effective pollution control. REMUNERATION FOR URBAN COUNCILS My Government will put before you a measure which will permit an increase in the remuneration which may be paid to members of urban-municipal councils. SASKATCHEWAN POWER CORPORATION My Government has noted continued improvement in the operations of the Saskatchewan Power Corporation, now in its fortieth year as a Crown Corporation. A considerable gain in productivity will be reported to you, together with appreciable gains in the return on your investments and your equity in this utility. NATURAL GAS SERVICE You will also be asked to approve expenditures for the further extension of natural gas services to a number of centres not presently served. FAMILY THERAPY PROGRAM About a year ago, a family therapy program was commenced in the correctional Centre in Regina. Accommodation for over-night visiting between the inmate and his family was provided. This program has shown much promise since its inception, and will be extended to the Correctional Centre in Prince Albert. CORRECTIONAL PROGRAM In 1967 we enacted a new Saskatchewan Corrections Act. It invoked a new concept of work training, parole and probation services under provincial statutes. In the past year work training was introduced in our correctional centres. It allows the inmate to be employed, or to take vocational or academic training in the community while serving his sentence. The new program has had encouraging results. In the coming year, we will proceed with the establishment of parole services and the extension of probation services under provincial statutes. SENIOR CITIZEN ACCOMMODATION My Government has given major emphasis to the need for providing housing and care for our senior citizens over the past four years. In 1969, you will once more be asked to provide funds to assist in the construction of additional special care facilities and independent living units for the elderly. HIGHWAYS Again, this Legislature will be asked to approve large expenditures for the expansion and maintenance of our highway system in Saskatchewan. Roads will be extended in our North. A vigorous oiling and paving program will be continued. Four-laning will continue on the Trans-Canada highway and the Saskatoon-Regina highway. Another major bridge, over the Saskatchewan River, will be commenced, and a number of medium-sized bridges will be built. Assistance for the construction and maintenance of grid roads will be increased. The new feeder road program to serve rural areas will be stepped up. CIVIL SERVICE PENSIONS You will be asked to approve legislation increasing the pension benefits paid to civil servants or the widows of civil servants who retired between April of 1958 and March of 1963. Your approval will also be asked for a measure to increase the present ceiling of $6,000 on annual pension benefits for civil servants to $8,050 per year. CO-OPERATIVES Amendments to The Credit Union Act will permit a greater freedom of action in making loans for the purchase of land and buildings, as well as for business purposes. LABOUR My Ministers will ask you to approve amendments to The Trade Union Act. The Public Accounts for the last fiscal year, together with the Estimates for the year beginning April 1, 1969, will be submitted to you. I leave you now to the business of the Session, with full confidence that you will favourably discharge your duties and responsibilities. May Divine Providence continue to bless our Province and guide this Legislature in all its deliberations.