Département de science politique
Faculté des sciences sociales

How to cite

If you are using one or several of the texts in our collection for your research and publications, please include a note as follows:  "The text(s) used come from the collection of political texts made available at www.poltext.org by The Center for Public Policy Analysis (CAPP) from Laval University, with the financial support of the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC)."

If you use the data compiled in the section "Data and Analysis" or documents linked to this section of our website, please follow the citation instructions associated with each database.

We would appreciate being notified of any publication using our collection of political texts or our data.  Please inform us by sending an email to info@capp.ulaval.ca and by referencing your publication in our publication submission tool. 

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